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Who gave teachers the right to tell children that Santa doesn't exist?

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No. Why is it so essential to you that we debunk the Santa myth and subject kids to brutal honesty as quickly as possible?


We spend our whole lives lying to people, this is one of the nicest, least harmful, most altruistic, most fun, most sociable lies that creates the best family memories and is part of the essence of childhood so why the urgency to be rid of it?


Don't give me rubbish about not lying to kids because we lie to kids constantly. We lie to everyone constantly, lying is an essential part of society, its an essential part of your psychological makeup. The ability to lie and lie well is paramount to getting through life. People lie on this forum all the time for example. You probably lie to your partner if you have one. You probably lie to your boss and you lie to your loved ones. If anything wanting to not carry on the santa thing is lazy parenting, its because you can't be bothered to do it.


Maybe this is just how you live your life and you're assuming that everyone else is the same.

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Everyone tells white lies, I tell people I'm busy if I don't want to meet up with them, I tell people I'm feeling well when sometimes I'm not , I've said I've loved the gift they've given me when I didn't . I guess I can't help lying at times :roll:

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Yes you do.


You may not tell them outright whopping lies. They may just be little white lies. It may be you don't volunteer information or you tell them what they want to hear or you structure an answer in a strategic way but its still a lie. You don't go around telling the entire truth all day. Your life would be unmanageable.


You lie on this forum. Every time you use google and don't credit the source when you do you lie. You are passing off knowledge thats not yours. Granted its not an earthshattering lie, hardly Watergate, but its still a lie.


Not telling something is not a white lie or any kind of lie. A lie is a falsehood, withholding information is simply withholding information.


Not crediting a source is not lying either, it might be plagiarism, but then again given that we aren't writing essays even that isn't strictly true.

And once you've read it, how is that knowledge not yours?


I don't think you really understand what a lie is.


---------- Post added 23-12-2012 at 19:28 ----------


How often do you use google on this forum to look some piece of information up and do you always credit the source when you do? If you don't you're a liar. You've passed off knowledge that isn't yours. You've lied to us.

If I look up (for example) a figure and post it, then that is the exact opposite of a lie, if I deliberately post a false figure, that is a lie.

Not quoting a source is not lying unless someone asks where it came from you and you then give a false answer.


How often have you told your partner they look fine or good when they've asked when you've not looked? We've all done it. You're a liar.


Ever told someone its in the post when it isn't? Liar.



Ever bumped into someone and said sorry? You weren't sorry you liar.

Why would you say it if you weren't?


None of these things are big lies but they are lies. We're merely discussing size. You aren't George Washington. You do tell lies, we all do.

Still projecting.

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Everyone tells white lies, I tell people I'm busy if I don't want to meet up with them, I tell people I'm feeling well when sometimes I'm not , I've said I've loved the gift they've given me when I didn't . I guess I can't help lying at times :roll:
Even if some people say that they don't tell white lies or whoppers, it's incredible how they are prepared turn a blind eye and accept the lies of others if it suits their purpose, naively or otherwise!................the Great Teflon springs to mind!
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