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Well ok they have one opinion you have yours. Why do you not think its a good idea I like a good balance of different opinions and I cannot personally see a problem with it.


If the council could give me a good reason as to why they back heeled the Next planning application ,then i would listen to that, but all the council has done is back heel this on the grounds that it dosnt like competition for the city centre. Well, im sorry ,but if you cant handle competition then you dont deserve success in business. If you ban competition with in a radius of your shops ,then it becomes a cartel , and im sorry ,but that is exactly what the council are trying to achieve by blocking Next. The council have a track record of trying to stifle competition for the joke of a city centre. Remember they blocked IKEA not long ago for the same reason.

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Well ok they have one opinion you have yours. Why do you not think its a good idea I like a good balance of different opinions and I cannot personally see a problem with it.


Exactly right, unfortunately Planner1 always toes the party line.


In fact, in years of reading what he has had to say, I can quite honestly never remember him disagreeing with council policy.:suspect:

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i went down the Moor today, the new street lighting is the same style as we had in early 90's just a different colour, and an area that has had new flagstone tiling laid has tiles missing with large lumps of tarmac to plug the gap. they may have run out of money already. new market building looks impressive though.


The repaving is going to schedule, it's just that they've having to leave gaps for the new kiosks and their services. There are other sections left unfinished until the two blocks are demolished and rebuilt next year.

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Exactly right, unfortunately Planner1 always toes the party line.


In fact, in years of reading what he has had to say, I can quite honestly never remember him disagreeing with council policy.:suspect:


As far as I can tell he neither agrees nor disagrees but simply explains why decisions were made.

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Excellent decision by the council. The land around Meadowhall needs to be reserved for productive use (ie manufacturing) rather than another mindless shop selling foreign produced rubbish and paying chicken-feed wages to their staff.


There is plenty of land for manufacturing....at Catcliffe opposite Morrisons where the wind turbines are, at Chapeltown off Cowley Lane, land up near the airport etc.

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If the council could give me a good reason as to why they back heeled the Next planning application ,then i would listen to that, but all the council has done is back heel this on the grounds that it dosnt like competition for the city centre. Well, im sorry ,but if you cant handle competition then you dont deserve success in business. If you ban competition with in a radius of your shops ,then it becomes a cartel , and im sorry ,but that is exactly what the council are trying to achieve by blocking Next. The council have a track record of trying to stifle competition for the joke of a city centre. Remember they blocked IKEA not long ago for the same reason.


A left wing organisation opposed to competition well theres a surprise. They block things like this but yet when a decent hardware store in Broomhill is being taken to the dogs by the landlord labour do nothing apart from a few piddling letters from the local councillors in the area.

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There is plenty of land for manufacturing....at Catcliffe opposite Morrisons where the wind turbines are, at Chapeltown off Cowley Lane, land up near the airport etc.


There is . And there is also more than enough brownfield wasteland near Meadowhall for both Retail and manufacturing . This joke of a council will turn away investment and jobs in order to try and protect the doomed sevenstone project. Where are all these manufacturing companies wanting to invest down near meadowhall ? There arnt any ,otherwise they would already be here in Sheffield.

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Excellent decision by the council. The land around Meadowhall needs to be reserved for productive use (ie manufacturing) rather than another mindless shop selling foreign produced rubbish and paying chicken-feed wages to their staff.


Oh dear....


You are one of the ones who harp on about cuts and lack of jobs - Next would bring 125 jobs. And guess what, they would get paid at least the minimum wage (not chicken feed).


When will some people get the message - we are not a manufacturing country anymore! Firms go to Germany and China now for this - because it's cheaper and the staff are more likely to get on with the work and less likely to strike.


The Unions pretty much killed manufacturing in this country.

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