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Dog owners beware in Handsworth


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This wasnt near the back of handsworth was it..?

Near what looks like a work yard....were they guard dogs roaming free?

There was something in the star last year where the alsations attacked a dog and its pregnant lady owner.


This is exactly where it was. My brother in law was walking him down to the field to cross over the bridge that has just been done. The dogs are usually chained up! They were chained up on Sunday morning again when he walked past. He goes that way often to get to Catcliffe.


My cousin told me about this other attack, although I dont know all the details, I was wondering what the chances would be of it being one of the same dogs which attacked, if so, it has obviously done it before! Something definitely needs doing about it.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. There are dogs (and owners) of all breeds that need to be under control. Our three German Shepherds play rough so we call them back and put them on the lead when other dogs and people are near unless we know the owners and dogs are experienced with big dogs. Its amazing the number of people who have small yappy dogs that allow their dogs come up to us and get aggressive to our dogs.


It doesn't sound like these owners are fit to care for a dog or the dogs are currently fit to be in public. I wish you well with this prosecution. Please do not let them get away with it. Report it to the press if you are not getting anywhere with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you all for your lovely comments. Alfie was a wonderful pet and it is really true about a dog being a best friend because he truly was. I wanted to update you to let you know that the attack has been reported to the police. They were unsure if they could do anything because it was a "dog on dog" attack and not a person but I spoke to them yesterday to update them on Alfie and they are going to try and prosecute the owner of the dogs. Although this won't bring Alfie back, it will make me feel better knowing that he pays for what he and his dogs did to my poor beautiful little dog. The only thing that worries me is that these dogs will be put down and he will then just go and get some more and bring them up exactly the same way as he did those. I completely agree with all of you that it is the owner's fault but it will be the dogs that pay the price. I know not all German Shepherds are not like this as my aunt and uncle had one and I have colleagues that have 2 or 3 of them and they are lovely and wouldn't hurt anything. I don't blame the dogs, I blame the owner. They should at the very least had a muzzle on, as well as their leads then this horrid event would never have happened.


Thank you all again for your wonderful comments.


Apparently there was an incident which occurred last year with a German shepherd attacking another dog on the same road. I am unsure of the actual details but wonder, could this be one of the same dogs? If anyone knows anything about this incident, maybe we could try and find out. We are going to need to gather evidence to show these dogs are dangerous and the owner obviously doesn't care! If anyone knows of this, as I believe it was in the paper, then I would be grateful if you could please let me know.


Many thanks again.


I know the owners (lady who was pregnant) of the dog that was attacked last year and they reported it to the police and they didn't do anything because they said it was a dog on dog attack, that is why she went to the Sheffield Star to report it.


My two dogs where attacked by a German Shepherd (who had a puppy with it, this was over 18 months ago now so the pup will be fully grown) on the recreational field around the back of the New Barratts estate at Handsworth, the dog also attacked my partner as he was trying to get the dog off of my dog, however again the police didn't do anything because they said it was a dog on dog attack, I have heard of several people having their dogs attacked in the same area and also at the bottom of Finchwell Road, this is where the two dogs are (I believe they are guard dogs and are left to roam when the gates to the Coach Firm is open), it is about time the police did something about the Owner and the dogs now as next time it could be a child, this is about the 6th case of an attack I have heard about now so something has got to be done.


I am really sorry to hear about the death of Alfie.

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  • 2 years later...

I was attacked back in May last year. Both my dog and I were both attacked by two alsation dogs at the bottom of fintchwell road while out on an early morning run. The CPS have successfully taken the owner to court and he was found guilty on the 13th January 2015.

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