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Battered wives home in the 70s


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Hi I'm just wondering if anyone can help me, In the 70's my mother left our family home in the north east with me, my brother and sister to escape my father in the 70's,we ended up staying for a year or 2 in Sheffield,

At the time I vaigly remember it was refered to as a 'battered wives home.

Only recently I've been wondering where it was, is it still there, etc, but at the time I was only about 7, so only have a few memories of hostel like large rooms with several beds in, and a railway line near by which some of the kids used to play on.

If it helps jog anyones memory of such a place 1 thing I do remember of while we were staying is there was some kind of documentary or tv program filmed there, and i can remember kids dancing to ' ring o ring o roses' nursery ryme.



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There used to be one near where I lived called Bishopsholme Herries Rd, big old building where the owner was murdered late 60's early 70's.

Used to house Women and children not sure if they were abused or just homeless ?

No railway line though

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did you move back to the north east ? why im asking is we had a neighbour who took on a woman from the north east(durham) i think. we played with her kids as we were neighbours


We did yeah, back to Sunderland, It'll have been mid to late 70's, we did live with someone before coming back , but my memories are faint with me being so young at the time.

I just remember the house was in a long terraced street, outside toilet at the end of the back garden, and a railwayline near by. But I guess that describes most style of houses at the time.

There were 3 kids, me and my brother,very blonde hair at the time, and my older sister, as well as my mother.




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We did yeah, back to Sunderland, It'll have been mid to late 70's, we did live with someone before coming back , but my memories are faint with me being so young at the time.

I just remember the house was in a long terraced street, outside toilet at the end of the back garden, and a railwayline near by. But I guess that describes most style of houses at the time.

There were 3 kids, me and my brother,very blonde hair at the time, and my older sister, as well as my mother.




is your mothers name joyce?
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Don't know where the homes were, but can remember my Dad doing a job there and coming home really upset the children didn't have any toys to play with. Me and my sister donated loads of our toys to them, we lived in a nice world with every thing we could want, and it was the first inkling that maybe life wasn't so good for everyone else. I was only about 6 or 7, but i've never forgotten about those children.

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