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More shootings in USA


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But its not supposed to happen at all in your earthly paradise.


Who said that?


Don't you understand.


No, because to understand you would have to be presenting a coherent argument, where as you're just preseting an argument.


I read something somewhere where Nottingham is known as gun city.


Wrong again. It's known as "shottingham".


I found that hard to believe but there it is.


Not been to Nottingham in a while eh? Don't worry though, the gun crime there is, like most UK cities, almost solely contained to gangs, and even walking around on your own at night you don't need a gun to protect yourself from muggers or burglars as generally they're armed with nothing more offensive than a used needle and being able to walk in a straight line is often a sufficient defense.


Notts was always a lot more fun than Sheff any day, especially Goose Fair.


About here is where I start questioning whether you've ever been to Sheffield or Nottingham isn't it?

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You've actually taken sides?

I dropped out of both of the current gun threads due to Harley's (and buck's, on occasion) assumption-making.


Both "sides" seem to have gone off on a "who's opinion is more qualified?" tangent. Who took it there in the first place is another matter.


I was put off the other thread by harley basically being proud of ignoring information/evidence and buck happily admitting to being closed-minded. Surely admissions like that render debate a waste of time and their credibility non-existent?

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Who said that?




No, because to understand you would have to be presenting a coherent argument, where as you're just preseting an argument.




Wrong again. It's known as "shottingham".




Not been to Nottingham in a while eh? Don't worry though, the gun crime there is, like most UK cities, almost solely contained to gangs, and even walking around on your own at night you don't need a gun to protect yourself from muggers or burglars as generally they're armed with nothing more offensive than a used needle and being able to walk in a straight line is often a sufficient defense.




About here is where I start questioning whether you've ever been to Sheffield or Nottingham isn't it?



No great revelation there. The same could be said of any American city or for that matter any Canadian city such as Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal and yes even in gun free Canada there are no go areas in all three of those cities but in any city you dont go anywhere near where the gang areas are


I can walk anywhere in my town at any hour without incident. The four or five bars we have close around midnight and people go home, not hang around outside yelling and shouting or chucking up their evening's cheer onto the sidewalks. The drinking age is 21 or over and during school terms there's officially a curfew for all youngsters under 18. The police can and do occasionally stop young people after 10:00 PM in the street who they think might be under 18. Nobody carries a gun. There is no gang activity and the worst I've seen is graffiti sprayed on the wall of the bandshell in one of our public parks

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So what you're saying is that a US Certificate of Naturalization isnt worth the paper it's written on? Well that wouldnt be a surprise since it's quite obvious that you have no respect for anything this side of the pond.


I wonder why you fabricate this nonsense, I never said any such thing. Naturalization is the acquisition of citizenship. It doesn't recognise you as a natural citizen, how can it, you're not a natural citizen. It doesn't deny you as a bloke from Pitsmoor, or wherever your from either, that's in your blood. You're a Sheffielder with a bit of paper, not Geronimo.


What's your take on a person born in Pakistan who applies for and is granted British citizenship?


They'd be a Pakistani national with British citizenship. The paper/document/passport is for legality, It doesn't give you a face or mind transplant, does it?


Don't give me that member of the Commonwealth stuff. I'm talking about being granted United Kingdom citizenship with right of abode in UK.


:huh:Again, I never gave or said any such nonsense.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 19:10 ----------


Bit like my old uncle Bert. Served with Wingates Chindits in Burma ... reality check... served with the Catering Corps in Aldershot. Did get wounded in action though..... scalded his hand while preparing a tureen of hot soup :hihi: :hihi:


Being an ex military man you'll understand the disrespect you just gave to your fellow comrades. Almost as if you have contempt for the catering core who fed you before you went over the top.


Hee hee hee. :roll:

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Who said that?




No, because to understand you would have to be presenting a coherent argument, where as you're just preseting an argument.




Wrong again. It's known as "shottingham".




Not been to Nottingham in a while eh? Don't worry though, the gun crime there is, like most UK cities, almost solely contained to gangs, and even walking around on your own at night you don't need a gun to protect yourself from muggers or burglars as generally they're armed with nothing more offensive than a used needle and being able to walk in a straight line is often a sufficient defense.




About here is where I start questioning whether you've ever been to Sheffield or Nottingham isn't it?

I was born in Brightside, but know Nottingham well.
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I wonder why you fabricate this nonsense, I never said any such thing. Naturalization is the acquisition of citizenship. It doesn't recognise you as a natural citizen, how can it, you're not a natural citizen. It doesn't deny you as a bloke from Pitsmoor, or wherever your from either, that's in your blood. You're a Sheffielder with a bit of paper, not Geronimo.




They'd be a Pakistani national with British citizenship. The paper/document/passport is for legality, It doesn't give you a face or mind transplant, does it?




:huh:Again, I never gave or said any such nonsense.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 19:10 ----------



Being an ex military man you'll understand the disrespect you just gave to your fellow comrades. Almost as if you have contempt for the catering core who fed you before you went over the top.


Hee hee hee. :roll:

You show even bigger contempt for the Catering CORPS.Hee Hee Hee:rolleyes: I'm a Sheffielder who decided I wanted to be somewhere else. I'm a Montrealer too, and a Bostonian because I wanted to be. Being a Sheffielder wasn't my choice, and I owe it no particular loyalty. My parents and my brother joined me in Cornwall as soon as they were able, and if I still have loyalty to any county it is that one.
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You show even bigger contempt for the Catering CORPS.Hee Hee Hee:rolleyes:



:huh: Why? Because of a grammatical mistake as opposed to a smug joke at the expense of comrades. In all fairness I did realise the mistake but didn't correct because I didn't really think anyone would be so childishly anal.

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I wonder why you fabricate this nonsense, I never said any such thing. Naturalization is the acquisition of citizenship. It doesn't recognise you as a natural citizen, how can it, you're not a natural citizen. It doesn't deny you as a bloke from Pitsmoor, or wherever your from either, that's in your blood. You're a Sheffielder with a bit of paper, not Geronimo.




They'd be a Pakistani national with British citizenship. The paper/document/passport is for legality, It doesn't give you a face or mind transplant, does it?




:huh:Again, I never gave or said any such nonsense.


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 19:10 ----------



Being an ex military man you'll understand the disrespect you just gave to your fellow comrades. Almost as if you have contempt for the catering core who fed you before you went over the top.


Hee hee hee. :roll:


Duh! :hihi: :hihi: That's not only the funniest but the dumbest. Does an America birth certificate say that "The child whose name appears on this certificate is hereby declared a "Natural Citizen" and a Certificate of Naturalization say me not being a "Natural" citizen?



I never went over the top by the way. I was born far too late to fight in the Great War


---------- Post added 29-12-2012 at 22:09 ----------


:huh: Why? Because of a grammatical mistake as opposed to a smug joke at the expense of comrades. In all fairness I did realise the mistake but didn't correct because I didn't really think anyone would be so childishly anal.


Do you have a piece of paper stating you're mentally competent to post on the forum or were you born a"natural" in the SF Admin offices?

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