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More shootings in USA


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You're probably not going to thank me for saying this but your position is uncannily close to that of a fellow American...namely Michael Moore. He wants to regulate ammunition as well as the things you've suggested.


Let's hope that the voice of reason prevails and the NRA have to succumb to public will. I read the press over there on line and there does seem to be a mood of change after Newtown.

I have never personally had any animosity to Michael Moore. He has his detractors, and is somewhat adamant in his views. But I think he has his country's best interest in his heart, though they don't always agree with mine. He's the counter to Rush Limbaugh which can't be al bad.


---------- Post added 30-12-2012 at 12:02 ----------


The implementation gun control in the US is likely to be a long and difficult road for many reasons. The logistics themselves will be a nightmare akin to asking all the folk in the Europe to hand across their mobile phones; no register of who has what, peoples 'emotional' attachment to them, and many that the owner has probably forgot about.


However I think it is a road that the US must embark upon and has been said it needs to be a Federal law without any grandfather clauses. As part of control I would like to see an educational element; everyone who wants to own a gun should have to attend a safety course.


Having said all that I would hate to see the US go to the extremes of the UK with gun control. There are many people in the US who get a great deal of pleasure from target shooting and hunting and their ability to do that should not be removed as it has largely been in the UK.

And if we can only get our kids to get rid of their IPods and tablets, the US will be a saner place. We had a nice fat Canada goose for Christmas dinner, shot by my son Michael with his rifle instead of his shotgun. That makes it much easier to clean and is more humane.
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The implementation gun control in the US is likely to be a long and difficult road for many reasons. The logistics themselves will be a nightmare akin to asking all the folk in the Europe to hand across their mobile phones; no register of who has what, peoples 'emotional' attachment to them, and many that the owner has probably forgot about.


However I think it is a road that the US must embark upon and has been said it needs to be a Federal law without any grandfather clauses. As part of control I would like to see an educational element; everyone who wants to own a gun should have to attend a safety course.


Having said all that I would hate to see the US go to the extremes of the UK with gun control. There are many people in the US who get a great deal of pleasure from target shooting and hunting and their ability to do that should not be removed as it has largely been in the UK.


Thank you for those wise words :thumbsup: Confiscating weapons en mass or passing laws to require every gun owner to turn in his weapons is no solution to the probllem as well as completely unrealistic and unworkable.


Such a measure would never pass through any Congress, Republican or Democrat anyway.


Obama has already said what I and one or two others on the forum have stated;


Ban assault weapons... and make the ban workable by passing a Federal law that enforces it


Ban high capacity magazines


Make it a crime punishable by a large fine or imprsionment for any dealer at a gun show to knowlingly sell, buy or exchange either of the above named.


Much of the problem lies with gun sales at these traveling shows. Background checks, waitiing periods are not carried out in too many instances and a person can pay for a gun and walk away with it ten minutes later. That has to stop and it can be done by making it a Federal offence.


Violators wil then be dealing with the the FBI and not as at present with local law enforcement.


The other issue is amending the Second Amendment. That might need a considerable amount of debate by both houses. There would have to be a rewording to that Amendment in order to make certain categories of weapons no longer the right to own. Tricky.

Fortunately for all of us the Constitiuion and it's Amendments are not something that any Administration can just come along and bugger around with. If that were the case it would have become a complete shambles a long time ago.


With a bit of common sense all round though reforms to prevent Newtowns ever happening again could come about

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I have never personally had any animosity to Michael Moore. He has his detractors, and is somewhat adamant in his views. But I think he has his country's best interest in his heart, though they don't always agree with mine. He's the counter to Rush Limbaugh which can't be al bad.


---------- Post added 30-12-2012 at 12:02 ----------


And if we can only get our kids to get rid of their IPods and tablets, the US will be a saner place. We had a nice fat Canada goose for Christmas dinner, shot by my son Michael with his rifle instead of his shotgun. That makes it much easier to clean and is more humane.


Re my bold.


Buck I agree with you on this 100%. :thumbsup:

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I've lived in the US for about 18 months now. My two eldest sons 16 and 13 are both in a junior shooting league. We also own two .22 rifles and a 9mm pistol which we use for target shooting at our local range. Its a very enjoyable hobby and one I would hate to lose.

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I've lived in the US for about 18 months now. My two eldest sons 16 and 13 are both in a junior shooting league. We also own two .22 rifles and a 9mm pistol which we use for target shooting at our local range. Its a very enjoyable hobby and one I would hate to lose.
I hope you're enjoying your time in the great state of Pennsylvania. I had a contract for years to monitor maintenance on the control system of a paper mill in York PA, and made a lot of friends in that lovely fertile region. As a big follower of the Civil War I was close enough to enjoy visits to Gettysburg whenever I wanted to.
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I've lived in the US for about 18 months now. My two eldest sons 16 and 13 are both in a junior shooting league. We also own two .22 rifles and a 9mm pistol which we use for target shooting at our local range. Its a very enjoyable hobby and one I would hate to lose.


Why would you lose it? Are you saying that no Brits can have target shooting as a hobby?



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I hope you're enjoying your time in the great state of Pennsylvania. I had a contract for years to monitor maintenance on the control system of a paper mill in York PA, and made a lot of friends in that lovely fertile region. As a big follower of the Civil War I was close enough to enjoy visits to Gettysburg whenever I wanted to.


Hi Buck I love it here, I live in Chester county so very close to some large Amish communities around Lancaster. Great farming country with vast amounts of wildlife. The people here have made us very welcome.

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A little rivalry here, totally and unashamedly out of context. Two years ago, the University of Connecticut Women's basketball team playing its ninety second game without a loss, was up against the University of Stanford in California. On that day Stanford beat us by a small margin. Yesterday Uconn once again visited Stanford who were playing their 82 home game without a loss, and took them apart by a score of 63 to 35. Sorry Harley, and Sierra, vive l'est. Now back to the fray.


---------- Post added 30-12-2012 at 14:01 ----------


Hi Buck I love it here, I live in Chester county so very close to some large Amish communities around Lancaster. Great farming country with vast amounts of wildlife. The people here have made us very welcome.
What other state has York and Lancaster in it, none I think. Mr. Penn knew where the right place was, but those wagons of theirs, dangerous. I think there are more deer than people.


---------- Post added 30-12-2012 at 14:11 ----------


Why would you lose it? Are you saying that no Brits can have target shooting as a hobby?



He didn't say anything of the kind. He was simply stating a fact that he enjoyed it. He wants to continue to enjoy it. Nothiing to do with Britain.
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He didn't say anything of the kind. He was simply stating a fact that he enjoyed it. He wants to continue to enjoy it. Nothiing to do with Britain.



Yes he did, read the posts again in all its contexts. Sanman implied or suggested that the US should not go the way of the UK to enable his and his children's sport to continue. dosxuk's point was that the UK has not banned anyone from controlled arms sport generally. So, even if it was possible to ban all guns, the ban on sport like the uk would not and should not be on the agenda. What the ban would do or try to achieve (again not instantly but long term) would be to ban people from owning guns just so that they can go in the back yard and pop off a few rounds...or the next door neighbor should they take a fancy.


If you are interested and genuine enough in the controlled sport of range or target shooting then owning a gun to take home to put under your pillow seems senseless, if not dangerous, unless the gun is in your sight/possession 24/7 because if it isn't it could be in someone else's possession.


I'm in agreement with saunaman of the implementation of education. Not only when you want a gun but also from the day you start school...young minds n all that.

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If you are interested and genuine enough in the controlled sport of range or target shooting then owning a gun to take home to put under your pillow seems senseless, if not dangerous, unless the gun is in your sight/possession 24/7 because if it isn't it could be in someone else's possession.


I disagree, its extremely hard to have shooting as sport in the UK with its current gun laws. Part of the enjoyment of the sport is going to different ranges and meeting new people and trying different disciplines. That is almost impossible in the UK where firearms largely have to be kept at the club. The laws in the UK are draconian in their regard to guns and have been for many years.


Also most people don't as you state keep guns under their pillows. The vast majority of gun owners I know keep them in an appropriate gun safe.

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