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More shootings in USA


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I disagree, its extremely hard to have shooting as sport in the UK with its current gun laws. Part of the enjoyment of the sport is going to different ranges and meeting new people and trying different disciplines. That is almost impossible in the UK where firearms largely have to be kept at the club.


Personally I don't have a problem with that, I never felt the need to take the gun home after an enjoyable day shooting albeit quite a few years ago.


The laws in the UK are draconian in their regard to guns and have been for many years.


Again, I don't have a problem with that unless it totally restricts me from a day of controlled shooting, usually conducted by the military, or ranges controlled by ex military. Plus the stats over here suggest that the draconian laws are keeping child murders at a far less rate than many countries. The public seem to not only to accept that but welcome it.


Also most people don't as you state keep guns under their pillows. The vast majority of gun owners I know keep them in an appropriate gun safe.


It was a euphemism, most people lock and alarm their houses, it doesn't stop thieves from removing property.


But all in all we are talking from a personal perspective..rather than the good of the collective.


Just realised, made a mess of your name sanman, soz about that.

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Thank you for those wise words :thumbsup: Confiscating weapons en mass or passing laws to require every gun owner to turn in his weapons is no solution to the probllem as well as completely unrealistic and unworkable.


Such a measure would never pass through any Congress, Republican or Democrat anyway.


Obama has already said what I and one or two others on the forum have stated;


Ban assault weapons... and make the ban workable by passing a Federal law that enforces it


Ban high capacity magazines


Make it a crime punishable by a large fine or imprsionment for any dealer at a gun show to knowlingly sell, buy or exchange either of the above named.


Much of the problem lies with gun sales at these traveling shows. Background checks, waitiing periods are not carried out in too many instances and a person can pay for a gun and walk away with it ten minutes later. That has to stop and it can be done by making it a Federal offence.


Violators wil then be dealing with the the FBI and not as at present with local law enforcement.


The other issue is amending the Second Amendment. That might need a considerable amount of debate by both houses. There would have to be a rewording to that Amendment in order to make certain categories of weapons no longer the right to own. Tricky.

Fortunately for all of us the Constitiuion and it's Amendments are not something that any Administration can just come along and bugger around with. If that were the case it would have become a complete shambles a long time ago.


With a bit of common sense all round though reforms to prevent Newtowns ever happening again could come about


Why would the amendment need rewording? It doesn't currently say that people have the right to bear any type of arms they want, otherwise there'd be an issue with the prohibition of new machine guns, and 0.50 BMG rifles (California).

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The problem is that in the UK its almost impossible to transport guns legally between ranges. In the US is relatively easy although moving between states can add some complexity.


There obviously needs to be a balance struck. At the moment I think the US is too open, but I would also argue that the UK is too restrictive. If the US do implement gun control the it will take years before we see any real impact. Above all I think education is key. As driving lessons and tests are needed before you drive a car then something should be brought in before you own a gun and the NRA should really be leading this as they already have many fine courses.

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The problem is that in the UK its almost impossible to transport guns legally between ranges. In the US is relatively easy although moving between states can add some complexity.


There obviously needs to be a balance struck. At the moment I think the US is too open, but I would also argue that the UK is too restrictive. If the US do implement gun control the it will take years before we see any real impact. Above all I think education is key. As driving lessons and tests are needed before you drive a car then something should be brought in before you own a gun and the NRA should really be leading this as they already have many fine courses.


The idea of allowing the populace to own guns was always considered to be too dangerous historically. Denying them thus was seen to be a safeguard from general uprisings and revolutions. The American revolution followed not long after by the French revolution must have really put the wind up among the aristocracy and the ruling class. It was a case of "if it can happen there it could happen here"

The aristocracy however had access to guns and solid upper middle class citizenry such as country squires and their gamekeepers were also allowed arms

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The idea of allowing the populace to own guns was always considered to be too dangerous historically. Denying them thus was seen to be a safeguard from general uprisings and revolutions. The American revolution followed not long after by the French revolution must have really put the wind up among the aristocracy and the ruling class. It was a case of "if it can happen there it could happen here"

The aristocracy however had access to guns and solid upper middle class citizenry such as country squires and their gamekeepers were also allowed arms


Harley absolutely right. This is why during the the Second World War the NRA had to run a gun drive asking US citizens to donate their fire arms to be shipped across to the UK to arm our citizens in case of invasion.

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The NRA were proposing armed guards in Schools in respect of the previous recent shooting. I wonder what they will suggest for this one.


lol, the people of the US will wake up in a year or two and say to themselves.


"Erm, when did this police state happen?"


I feel bad for the US people right now, they are being played like a violin and pulled around with the strings of it.

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Yes he did, read the posts again in all its contexts. Sanman implied or suggested that the US should not go the way of the UK to enable his and his children's sport to continue. dosxuk's point was that the UK has not banned anyone from controlled arms sport generally. So, even if it was possible to ban all guns, the ban on sport like the uk would not and should not be on the agenda. What the ban would do or try to achieve (again not instantly but long term) would be to ban people from owning guns just so that they can go in the back yard and pop off a few rounds...or the next door neighbor should they take a fancy.


If you are interested and genuine enough in the controlled sport of range or target shooting then owning a gun to take home to put under your pillow seems senseless, if not dangerous, unless the gun is in your sight/possession 24/7 because if it isn't it could be in someone else's possession.


I'm in agreement with saunaman of the implementation of education. Not only when you want a gun but also from the day you start school...young minds n all that.

Where in his post #164 does he mention Britain? I read no other post by him because I did not know him previously nor was it any of my business nor yours. You continue to provoke while we continue to try to work out our differences. You are even upsetting posters from your side of the pond.
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Yes he did, read the posts again in all its contexts. Sanman implied or suggested that the US should not go the way of the UK to enable his and his children's sport to continue. dosxuk's point was that the UK has not banned anyone from controlled arms sport generally. So, even if it was possible to ban all guns, the ban on sport like the uk would not and should not be on the agenda. What the ban would do or try to achieve (again not instantly but long term) would be to ban people from owning guns just so that they can go in the back yard and pop off a few rounds...or the next door neighbor should they take a fancy.


If you are interested and genuine enough in the controlled sport of range or target shooting then owning a gun to take home to put under your pillow seems senseless, if not dangerous, unless the gun is in your sight/possession 24/7 because if it isn't it could be in someone else's possession.

I'm in agreement with saunaman of the implementation of education. Not only when you want a gun but also from the day you start school...young minds n all that.


What absolute nonsense. You really have no idea :hihi: :hihi: Where do you think we all live? Dodge City? Weapons under pillows. That's a good one :hihi:

Before leaving the firing range you first make sure the weapon is unloaded. Second, you place the weapon in a carrying case. Third, you place the weapon in the trunk of the vehicle. Fourth, you store any unused ammo in a metal ammo case. Fifth when arriving home you clean the weapons (at least I do). Sixth, you secure the weapon or weapons and ammo in a gun safe under lock and key


Keep on posting though. Maybe in time you might just start to learn a little

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What absolute nonsense. You really have no idea :hihi: :hihi: Where do you think we all live? Dodge City? Weapons under pillows. That's a good one :hihi:

Before leaving the firing range you first make sure the weapon is unloaded. Second, you place the weapon in a carrying case. Third, you place the weapon in the trunk of the vehicle. Fourth, you store any unused ammo in a metal ammo case. Fifth when arriving home you clean the weapons (at least I do). Sixth, you secure the weapon or weapons and ammo in a gun safe under lock and key


Keep on posting though. Maybe in time you might just start to learn a little

We reallly shouldn't encourage him ( or her) because his opinions are pretty well worthless. I have come to terms with Swami and others, and am pleased to be able to disagree without dislike. But this one deserves only ignore. I keep him (or her ) on only for the laughs.
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Where in his post #164 does he mention Britain? I read no other post by him because I did not know him previously nor was it any of my business nor yours. You continue to provoke while we continue to try to work out our differences. You are even upsetting posters from your side of the pond.



What are you blithering on about? Will you READ all the posts. Sanmans #164 post was an addition to his previous post which dosxuk made a constructive criticism of. My post pointed that out to you in a constructively critical way that the UK was mentioned as a comparison, not provoking (unless it's you) just clarifying. The debate went further without a hicup..what's your problem?


You didn't read his previous post because you "didn't know him?" Are you serious? You don't know me or anyone on here but it aint stopping you from bellyaching. Well no wonder confusion abounds when you reply on condition you have to know someone as opposed to what they type. It's not as if the posts were separated by 150 other posts which might back up your little tiffle but they were almost back to back.


I didn't "provoke" sanman I made an observation on his comment, he made no accusation that you are proclaiming.


For gods sake mods pull yer finger out on this paranoid.:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 31-12-2012 at 17:03 ----------


What absolute nonsense. You really have no idea :hihi: :hihi: Where do you think we all live? Dodge City? Weapons under pillows. That's a good one :hihi:

Before leaving the firing range you first make sure the weapon is unloaded. Second, you place the weapon in a carrying case. Third, you place the weapon in the trunk of the vehicle. Fourth, you store any unused ammo in a metal ammo case. Fifth when arriving home you clean the weapons (at least I do). Sixth, you secure the weapon or weapons and ammo in a gun safe under lock and key


Keep on posting though. Maybe in time you might just start to learn a little



I qualified that with "euphamisim"


In the interest of the thread though you will be ignored further.

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