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More shootings in USA


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He could have been trying to get rid of some incriminating evidence maybe?


Yes but why shoot at them, place looked like it was already aflame , could be a disgruntled fire fighter too, too bad he's dead though, now they might never know.

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How are the NRA, buck and harleyman going to spin this one? Two types of hoses, one with water and one with bullets?


Another dumb remark from you. How am I expected to justify or explain the actions of a loony who set his house on fire on the other side of the country


Oh wait a mo ! It's all the fault of people like me who have a gun or two of our own. If I wasnt allowed to own a gun the New York loony wouldn't have been allowed to own one either.


Therefore I must protect the loonies from themselves and their actions by handing mine in. That'll put a stop to gun crime..... oh yeah

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