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Free genealogy resources in Sheffield?


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The Traditional Heritage museum on Ecclesall rd is an interesting place to visit, they have preserved old workshops and shops, and recreated them in the museum. One of them is a clog makers workshop with all the tools and workbenches etc in place to give you an idea of how they worked.


It has open days on the last Saturday of each month, and on bank holiday Mondays. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/museumstudies/websites04/davison/



thanks for that will have to go and have a look

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So how far has everyone got with their research, and do any of us share common ancesters? - Unlikely, but it's possible.


The names I'm researching are (in order of significance) -








And these names crop up way back in the tree -






Kendill / Kendall


The earliest I have pinned a relative down to is 1786. All my research has been on my mother's side (the Deakins/Burns) - I've hit an immediate brick wall on my father's side (the Atkins).


My mother's family were grocers, photographers (one of whom had a claim for the damage sustained to his photography shop due to the Sheffield Flood), combmakers and, almost inevitably at some point, cutlers. Oh, and publicans.:thumbsup:


Any idea where the Dawson, Smedley and Atkins names are associated with?

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Hi Hennypenny,

Mine are from Sheffield but I've not got any further back that Charles Garrett c 1850's so anything is possible. I will take another look at them and get back to you. It was my mother's maiden name.



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Hi Hennypenny,

Mine are from Sheffield but I've not got any further back that Charles Garrett c 1850's so anything is possible. I will take another look at them and get back to you. It was my mother's maiden name.




Hi Lois


Probably not related then, as Ethel didn't come to Sheffield until around 1911, when she married an Ackerill.

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My mother's family name was Garrett, my grandad served in the army during the 1st world war, he was knocked down by a lorry on Hatfield House Lane and killed. He was a pearl button maker by trade. My step grandad , my Dads step father was called Twelvetrees, anyone come across that surname?

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Hi Janner,

Do you know anymore about your Garrett family? What were their names? I have a Herbert Garrett born 1890 who was my grandfather and his father was Charles Garrett born 1855 both in Sheffield. I have not been able to trace them back any further. I know someone called Twelvetrees today they are the Headteacher at Rivelin Primary School.


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