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Night life for the over 40s in Sheffield is rubbish!


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While visiting friends in the US recently, we walked down the very busy restaurant and club area of their town. Young girls in micro dresses and burly youths filled the street. We walked up to a door next to two very busy restaurants that said it was a lawyer's office and knocked. A large gentleman in black tie opened the door, took a look at us and invited us in. The door led to steps down into a basement, which had a quiet bar with great cocktails and a jazz combo playing. The clientele were all mature, well-dressed people. It was really great, especially as everywhere else around was packed out. We should have something like that in Sheffield.

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  • 1 month later...
There's lots of nightlife for over 40s. Bingo for one thing. Tea dances. Church socials. Knitting circles. Book clubs. There's plenty to do if you look for it. Once you're 40 who wants to be up after 9:00 pm anyway?


don't forget line dancing :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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  • 7 months later...

I am planning a club night for over 30's and I'm currently in the market research phase. If you could answer a few of these questions for me we will be one step closer to creating the perfect night.


What is your preferred type of music?

What's the best club you ever went to? Current and in the past, Was is it in Sheffield?

What was / is special about it?

What would be the chief attractions?

What would be the chief obstacle to you attending a dance night?

What would be the price for a ticket that you would pay?

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I am planning a club night for over 30's and I'm currently in the market research phase. If you could answer a few of these questions for me we will be one step closer to creating the perfect night.


What is your preferred type of music?

What's the best club you ever went to? Current and in the past, Was is it in Sheffield?

What was / is special about it?

What would be the chief attractions?

What would be the chief obstacle to you attending a dance night?

What would be the price for a ticket that you would pay?


Ah interesting question.


For me it would be more about the venue and the clientele mix than the music or specific night.


I'd still enjoy going clubbing I think in terms of dancing to music and being in a friendly crowd - whilst I generally still associate clubbing with commercial dance or trance I'd be just as happy with a night that started with live music followed by a DJ playing indie or classic rock.


However, now I'm older I'm fussier, less fit and get tired sooner.


So, assuming the music is sorted

- venue that is clean but has character

- comfy chairs

- proper food available

- decent beer (a nightclub with real ale or at least craft keg would be good)

- clientele mix (if I was the only one in over 25 I'd feel an odd one out but also don't want to be somewhere exclusively old, also not all blokes would be prefered!)

- somewhere that is busy earlier on - in my day you moved on to the club about 11ish and the club closed at 2am just as I had enough, now people are only just queuing to get in at 2am!

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There's lots of nightlife for over 40s. Bingo for one thing. Tea dances. Church socials. Knitting circles. Book clubs. There's plenty to do if you look for it. Once you're 40 who wants to be up after 9:00 pm anyway?


bingo? tea dances? church? knitting?......you're having a giraffe!


OP said over 40 not over 140!


oh ok, i think i tried all these at 40 (mid life crisis) except tea dancing.... kept spilling my tea! :hihi::D

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