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Heatherfield Flats, Totley


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Hello Mike, further to this conversation the two blocks of flats at the top of Lemont Rd are 3-storey and the Heatherfield block is 2-storey. Lemont Rd continues past the rear of Totley Library and joins the Greenoak estate which is a council estate and covers all the land previously occupied by the prefabs.

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Hi Sharrovian

Just looked on Google maps as Mike was commenting. My God what a mess. It bears no resemblance to my memories of Totley.

Lemont Rd was a pleasant little road with the nursery at the end and the top entrance to the park on the left.

Heatherfield was built on the Baslow Rd entrance to the nursery which for all my childhood was called Pearsons ( I know this differs from what Mike says )

I was horrified to see how much building had gone on in places that were fields or open land but then it's the same everywhere I suppose and places that were so familiar as a child become unrecognisable.

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Hello again Mike and Dreb, your memories of Totley obviously are superior to mine, Mike, you could do worse than to treat yourself to a day out this summer and come and have a look at Totley, it will blow your mind.

Hi Sharrovian.

Reminiscing is one thing .However , I have always believed in the old adage that.

" When revisiting the past you only find disappointment ." But - and there always is isn't there ? being the nosy, inquisitive, sceptical old so-and-so, I can only say , " I knew it" or " Oh! its not as bad as I anticipated . For once in my life I think I will throw caution to the wind .The next time in Sheffield I will visit .


If disappointment prevails you may be assured of one thing . Your P.C. screen will be enblazoned with " Get thee behind me ".


---------- Post added 06-02-2013 at 15:24 ----------


Hi Sharrovian.

Reminiscing is one thing .However , I have always believed in the old adage that.

" When revisiting the past you only find disappointment ." But - and there always is isn't there ? being the nosy, inquisitive, sceptical old so-and-so, I can only say , " I knew it" or " Oh! its not as bad as I anticipated . For once in my life I think I will throw caution to the wind .The next time in Sheffield I will visit .


If disappointment prevails you may be assured of one thing . Your P.C. screen will be enblazoned with " Get thee behind me ".


One other thing has just occurred to me . You , having lived up there since 1960, you will more than likely remember Winny and Shiela who lived in the cottages on Baslow Road opposite the Cross Scythes . The Wrigglesworths who lived on Queen Vic. Fred Howarth who lived on Queen Vic . There are numerous others that I could mention Danny George who lived on Green Oak Road , lovely lovely person .


This is what reminiscing doe,s for you .

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Hello again Mike, some of the names are familiar although my wife remembers more than me and Satan says "nostalgia is a wonderful experience"


oooooh ! Ah dint know him . Doe's he liv up Totly?


---------- Post added 06-02-2013 at 18:17 ----------


Hi Sharrovian

Just been looking at some other threads , namely Parkwood Springs and Sharrow Lane . You appear to have some connections there . Ironically I to have connections there . Pickering Road at Parkwood and Sitwell at Sharrow . Any significance ?

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Hi Mike, my wife as a very young girl lived on Pickering Rd and later on Farfield Road and then moved to Sitwell Place in around 1944/45

I myself was born on Herschell Rd and went to Sharrow Lane School, as did my wife but I didn't know her then.

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Hi Mike, my wife as a very young girl lived on Pickering Rd and later on Farfield Road and then moved to Sitwell Place in around 1944/45

I myself was born on Herschell Rd and went to Sharrow Lane School, as did my wife but I didn't know her then.


Hi Sharrovian. I lived on Pickering road 1948-61 then moved with my parents to Sitwell road until 1975 when I married. I went to Hillfoot from 1949 to 1956 then to Chaucer until 1959 . What a small world .

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Hi Mike.

Talking of it being a small world. Can you remember any names of the people you worked with at South PDO?

My brother was a postman there probably late 50s early 60s. The only name I can remember was Ernest Skinner who was probably a PHG

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Hi Mike.

Talking of it being a small world. Can you remember any names of the people you worked with at South PDO?

My brother was a postman there probably late 50s early 60s. The only name I can remember was Ernest Skinner who was probably a PHG



Hi Dreb48.


I remember Ernest Skinner . He was a PHG and worked at Dore PDO at the time of his retirement . I was a PHG at the SPDO after leaving DORE. I remember a most of the postmen and postwomen from both offices around that time . Who was your brother ?

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