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'Tories can't be trusted to build a fair society' admit Lib Dems!

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but it's not, because it's a lie.


It is a fact beyond debate that by May 2010 the economy was out of recession due to measures taken by Brown and Darling. His contribution to international policy to stop depression taking root is also well known. Since then the UK has gone back into recession twice. Regardless of who anyone supports those are facts, not hazy impressions or partisan points.

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Statisticically ery little. I don't know where these numbers come from.


For the record it's about 60,000 families in the UK, most of whom are in the south east where housing costs are much higher than the rest of the country.


Capping benefit to £26k for these families is expected to save approx £275m out of a benefit budget of almost £200bn. The savings are approximately 0.2% of the total budget.


Given that the savings are a tiny fraction of the budget it's probably fair to say that the families involved 'enjoy' a disproportionately large amount of attention from the government and right-wing media.


The policy will have almost no economic impact and I guess if you want an example of gesture politics it's just about the best.

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I think they are building a much fairer society.


Was it ever fair that hard working people work all week, pay their taxes, only for people on benefits to get more than them, paid for by hard working people? Limiting benefits to £26k was one of the fairest things a government could have done.


Not everyone gets that amount, when I was on JSA about 4 years ago I got just over £60 that was it. A long way off £5000 never mind £26000. A lot of this is just divisive tactics from Cameron, I read today that they are going to get 300,000 under 25s on a new credit which will get them off signing on, all this will do is reduce the unemployment figures by 300,000 with them still out of work. Cameron is very good with smoke and mirrors.

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In a leaked Lib Dem memo which advises their MP's and remaining councillors which line to take, the Liberal Democrats are to attack their Conservative coalition partners in the new year by telling voters they can't be trusted to look after the interests of normal people and are focused only protecting the very rich!


Well why the hell are they allowing them to govern, helping them destroy the NHS and privatise the education system and attack the welfare state and holding back economic recovery?


And that shows exactly why a coalition is good. You don't want a nodding "yes sir" partner. You want someone always there, challenging, as if they were the opposition - but one with some power.

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And that shows exactly why a coalition is good. You don't want a nodding "yes sir" partner. You want someone always there, challenging, as if they were the opposition - but one with some power.


The thing is that on every policy of any substance or anything that has introduced massive structural changes the LibDems have been a nodding "yes sir" partner.


To suggest the LibDems have challenged as if they were the opposition is absurd.

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