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Bring on the Speed Cameras

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Have you ever tried to cross Wentworth Road in Thorpe Hesley?? I have several times and each time i have nearly been knocked down by speeding motorists. This road has a maximum speed limet of 30 MPH not 40, 50, or 60 etc and it is 30 for a reason. Bring on the speed cameras and catch these ldiots before someone is killed. It could be your child that is killed by a speeding motorist

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Have you ever tried to cross Wentworth Road in Thorpe Hesley?? I have several times and each time i have nearly been knocked down by speeding motorists. This road has a maximum speed limet of 30 MPH not 40, 50, or 60 etc and it is 30 for a reason. Bring on the speed cameras and catch these ldiots before someone is killed. It could be your child that is killed by a speeding motorist


...or petition for a Pelican crossing or two.

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Have you ever tried to cross Wentworth Road in Thorpe Hesley?? I have several times and each time i have nearly been knocked down by speeding motorists. This road has a maximum speed limet of 30 MPH not 40, 50, or 60 etc and it is 30 for a reason. Bring on the speed cameras and catch these ldiots before someone is killed. It could be your child that is killed by a speeding motorist


Dont you look both ways before you cross the road. ?


Dont parents teach their children the Green Cross Code anymore. ?

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I can't see anybody going much more than 30 on wentworth road through the village area as the road is narrow with bends and cars parked, I normally have to stop a few times to let the traffic past in the opposite direction.

The same cant be said about hesley lane either going up towards the M1 or down towards the red lion

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