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Careful !! Injured fox on South road Walkley

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Hi there, We have just come along South Rd in Walkley (21:45pm). There is an injured fox wandering on the road. Some lads are keeping an eye out and have called the rspca who are on their way but PLEASE will drivers be careful as some are driving like idiots or getting well annoyed with the wait. If you want to make a stupid reply....dont bother.


are there any updates please , hopefuly RSPCA can either treat its injuries or at least put it out of its misery, hopefuly the first, they may be classed as 'vermin' to some people but to me any wildlife is beautiful to see, as i and my old neighbours regularly fed foxes, ducks and squirrells in our garden i think they are beautiful creatures, ;)

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Can I ask all the ( is mr fox ok , hav u called the RSPCA etc)

Would u be the same way if u had say 6 hens and mr fox had come along and

killed them all ..


I would. Animals kill other animals that's life you have to accept it, cats kill for fun so should we class all cats as vermin & wish them slow painful deaths?

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I would. Animals kill other animals that's life you have to accept it, cats kill for fun so should we class all cats as vermin & wish them slow painful deaths?


you beat me to it lol,

also i would asume if the OP has chickens then they would expect foxes in their garden so they should make the chicken pen fox proof,

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Hi there, We have just come along South Rd in Walkley (21:45pm). There is an injured fox wandering on the road. Some lads are keeping an eye out and have called the rspca who are on their way but PLEASE will drivers be careful as some are driving like idiots or getting well annoyed with the wait. If you want to make a stupid reply....dont bother.


I just wonder what is the point of such a thread. By the time the OP has got home and posted there is about as much chance of anyone who sees the thread, who is about to drive down that road, and who will moderate their driving as there is the chance of winning the lottery.

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I just wonder what is the point of such a thread. By the time the OP has got home and posted there is about as much chance of anyone who sees the thread, who is about to drive down that road, and who will moderate their driving as there is the chance of winning the lottery.


Haven't you heard that most mobile phones have Internet access so the OP quite possibly didnt have to wait until they got home to make the post but could have posted immediately?

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