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Please help save our country..

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Yes, until Thursday 6 May 2010 we all lived in the sunlit uplands of Tony Blair's modern, progressive Britain.


In the countryside, thickset men harvested golden fields of corn under a blazing sun, then, as evening approached, called in at their local thatched inn to be served tankards of foaming ale by buxom, rosy cheeked barmaids.


In the towns and cities, bowler hatted gents went off to work in banks and other financials institutions, doing fiendishly complicated things with numbers for the benefit of all.


Housewives busied themselves with their domestic chores, cooking, cleaning, ironing. And there was always something hot in the oven for when the man of the house came home in the evening from his days toil.


Children studied hard in their schools, mastering the three Rs, before leaving at 4 to go off and play in the local woods and fields, playing the innocent childhood games of yore before returning home for a slap up meal and early to bed.


But in every paradise there is always a serpent. In ours it was the villainous, mustache twirling Tories.


Tired of their usual jolly japes, pulling the wings off flies, tying distressed damsels to railway lines (that sort of thing), they vowed to convince us all that the Saintly Sir Gordon of Brown was, in fact, some sort of clueless clownish charlatan who had wrecked the economy with his out of control borrowing and lax financial regulation.


And it worked. Like a blind fool I fell for it myself. And suddenly our once proud and happy nation was being ruled by an iron fist. Massive debt appeared completely out of nowhere. Millions of people realised that they didn't have jobs, some of them not for many, many years. Men who worked in quaint little factories had, one chill and bitter morning, arrived to find them shut down and replaced by giant ASDA and Tesco megamarts which seemingly sprang up overnight.


And the people turned to each other and wondered aloud, WHY were the Tories doing this? What possible motivation could there be?


And in all this confusion and despair, out of the wilderness, MadManMoon came with the answer.


You see, they're villains, plain and simple. They don't bother with reasons, they just like destroying things, for no readily explainable reason.


And if that's not a good enough answer for any intelligent, free-thinking adult, then I'm a Dutchman!



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Has this thread still not been deleted by the mods?


Yes, until Thursday 6 May 2010 we all lived in the sunlit uplands of Tony Blair's modern, progressive Britain.


In the countryside, thickset men harvested golden fields of corn under a blazing sun, then, as evening approached, called in at their local thatched inn to be served tankards of foaming ale by buxom, rosy cheeked barmaids.


In the towns and cities, bowler hatted gents went off to work in banks and other financials institutions, doing fiendishly complicated things with numbers for the benefit of all.


Housewives busied themselves with their domestic chores, cooking, cleaning, ironing. And there was always something hot in the oven for when the man of the house came home in the evening from his days toil.


Children studied hard in their schools, mastering the three Rs, before leaving at 4 to go off and play in the local woods and fields, playing the innocent childhood games of yore before returning home for a slap up meal and early to bed.


But in every paradise there is always a serpent. In ours it was the villainous, mustache twirling Tories.


Tired of their usual jolly japes, pulling the wings off flies, tying distressed damsels to railway lines (that sort of thing), they vowed to convince us all that the Saintly Sir Gordon of Brown was, in fact, some sort of clueless clownish charlatan who had wrecked the economy with his out of control borrowing and lax financial regulation.


And it worked. Like a blind fool I fell for it myself. And suddenly our once proud and happy nation was being ruled by an iron fist. Massive debt appeared completely out of nowhere. Millions of people realised that they didn't have jobs, some of them not for many, many years. Men who worked in quaint little factories had, one chill and bitter morning, arrived to find them shut down and replaced by giant ASDA and Tesco megamarts which seemingly sprang up overnight.


And the people turned to each other and wondered aloud, WHY were the Tories doing this? What possible motivation could there be?


And in all this confusion and despair, out of the wilderness, MadManMoon came with the answer.


You see, they're villains, plain and simple. They don't bother with reasons, they just like destroying things, for no readily explainable reason.


And if that's not a good enough answer for any intelligent, free-thinking adult, then I'm a Dutchman!




Good on you for finally seeing through the tory smokescreen. You are correct in everything you stated here!:D

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Well the holiday period is over and the petition has climbed by less than 1000 signatures in over a week !!!


Proof if ever it were needed that the vast majority of people don't agree that 'our country needs saving' from the current Government !!!!!


7700......Pathetic !!!

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It's to late to save this country now, after 13 years of that disastrous labour government. It's about time someone got to grips with the excesses of public spending, and all the people working in the public sector need to know what it's like to work in the private sector, or be self employed. They would not belly ache so much then. Why do people such as teachers and police officers think that they should not have to share in any cuts. They live in a dream world. They are no the most part overpaid, underworked, overprivledged and should NOT be allowed to retire years earlier than everyone else.


I work all over the country I go in council offices, police stations etc, and the waste I see is incredible. I work in the IT disposal industry and we dispose of items such as printers which cost over a thousand pounds which have only printed a few sheets, etc. They have had it to good for to long. The sooner the public sector is cut down to size the better. Lets start by get getting rid of Ed Milliband, and that hypocrite Ed Balls, if they ever get into power then this country really is doomed.

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John Dewey once said: "As long as politics is the shadow cast on society by big business, the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance." - if there is any truth in this statement, the political climate will only change when the economic climate changes.


Until democracy is extended more meaningfully into the economy and the market place (i.e. a free market as envisioned by the likes of Adam Smith and David Ricardo, among others) we will only have very limited means of changing the current order - the ballot, a vote every 5 years.


While a GE is obviously a crucial element in any democracy, true change will only occur in the market place, assuming the market is free, open and responsive to our needs (i.e. how we like our politics!).


Ideally, change will start with the banks, first from a heightened consumer consciousness (e.g. people losing faith in the old institutions and moving their money to more ethical, socially/mutually chartered banks) and then from an emerging market of businesses seeking investment from such banks. From this a new capital class will emerge.


Obviously we're talking decades of evolution here, but the need for a wholly sustainable system will inevitably demand a new type of market and, in turn, political economy.


There is an element of chicken and egg scenario here. We will need to vote in a government who acknowledges the need for a new, more sustainable type of economic order and is willing to make the necessary fundamental changes to encourage such an economic climate. But in order to have candidates willing to represent and action such policies with any rigour, we as consumers must send the message in the economy by voting more consciously with our feet and money, empowering institutions with monetary capital in the same way we empower our representatives with political capital.


This constant see-sawing between the reds and the blues at the ballot is achieving very little in the way of true reform. I for one will not be signing the petition in the OP, because if successful it would change very little. Why? Because we as a society are not ready to vote in anyone better than the current lot at the moment, because we are not (yet) sending the right signals in the market place to warrant the demand for such candidates.


It's a difficult point to get across but I hope that was clearer than mud.

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