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Are Boots pharmacists going too far

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In my experience, pharmacists know far more about drug interaction, dosage etc and work alongside my doctor. I have a wonderful man who give me lots of advice re. My meds, one of which,if taken with my tramadol could cause seratonin syndrome, so spoke to both my doctor and myself about dosage. I would rather have care and concern over me than my just being another number.

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I would be delighted that a pharmacist took his/her job so seriously that he/her called me several times to remind me of some thing - well done that man/woman.




Exactly, I think it's a sad state of affairs when a pharmacist can take time out of his day to phone a patient and see if they've booked a breathing test. (I mean, breathing and that, it's kinda important, not something you can live without is it.) and then basically get complained about.


Especially with customer service and stuff now, it's surprising and refreshing to see someone actually taking an interest, just a shame the OP finds it out of order. Personally I think it's quite nice of the pharmacist.

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Over the last couple of weeks I had a rather nasty chest infection. While getting my prescriptions it was mentioned to the pharmacist that when it cleared up my gp suggested I book an appointment for some breathing tests.


The pharmacist has rung me twice to see if I have made an appointment yet (I just want to get the holidays out of the way before I do)


But I am wondering just what business is it of the pharmacist whether I have the tests or not? He has told me he will ring again, but I am not happy about this, I find it rather intrusive.


I wonder if others have experienced similar actions from their pharmacy, and is it something they should be doing.


When he rings again, tell him that you don't want any furhter phone calls. I he persists in ringing, then you've got clear grounds for harrasment- put in an official complaint.

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They asked for my number when I made an appointment for an eye test and then rang me up very early on a Sunday morning with a reminder. I put a complaint in. I got no reply to my complaint and then they rang me again. I have never used Boots again.



I honestly can't believe you put a complaint in because they called to remind you about an appointment. They don't even open until 10 on Sunday so I don't know how you define 'very early'.


You sound like the worst sort of person.

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I honestly can't believe you put a complaint in because they called to remind you about an appointment. They don't even open until 10 on Sunday so I don't know how you define 'very early'.


You sound like the worst sort of person.


You are quite right as the pharmacist seems very thoughtful and should be commended.

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Now does the pharmacist just phone to remind you of making an appointment or does he/she ask about how you are getting on with your meds you were prescribed aswell?

As i work in pharmacy i am aware of a new scheme that has been rolled out working in partnership with GP surgerys called a 'New medicines intervention'. This is where anyone that is taking a new medicine is contacted by the pharmacist on 3 occasions to discuss how they are getting on with the new meds, if they have any concerns/ reactions. This is supposed to reduce time wasted in GP surgerys by people going back because a new medicine is 'not working/ causing problems' that can easily be resolved by a pharmacist giving advice about any interactions it may be having with other tablets or even just changing the time of day that people are taking medicines. Pharmacys store a lot of information about people on their computer systems which helps detect drug interactions etc and also helps us help you with medicines that are to be sold over the counter etc.

Maybe the pharmacist is just doing a job he/she has been asked to do and doesn't realise that you may find it harrassing and maybe you should suggest that you no longer wat to be contacted the next time they call.

For staff in the healthcare section it can be quite useful to know what happens when people are referred on, so we can then help other patients that may ask in the future, It just keeps our knowledge up to date ;)

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