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Working class solidarity required for better future for peoples of UK.

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I'm legalising drugs in my working class gang. Nice bit of "idle" land for my trusted lieutenants.


I'd get in on the ground floor mate.


You don't need to have gangs. Everyone can work together.


And if there is plots of idle land, surely people should use it for the greater good... You shouldn't be dishing it out to a hierarchy.

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Society has moved on Chem1st, we're too much of a individualistic mobile society now, and working/ middle/ lower class has lost all meaning to the average slob in the street, bar a few crusties no one cares anymore, working class solidarity was more fashionable in 80's and early 90's.

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Working class solidarity required for better future for peoples of UK.


The UK peoples need to unite and show working class solidarity. In effect form a big society.


Don't spout such crap. there is no such thing as class, just those who can, and those who can't and want those who can to pay. Grow up.

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"For peoples of UK" - Chemist1 , are you turning into a meerkat ?


No such thing as "working class peoples" any more - we have "special people" who care deeply about others , regardless of whether they now have a job or not . We also have tossers who think they are important but care little about regular people ( those I call the "lanyard losers" who wear their work ID badge round their neck even out of work because it makes them feel important).


Personally , I prefer to surround myself with "special" people , whether working class or not . And these special people are the future .

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Working class solidarity required for better future for peoples of UK.


Maybe even pop down your local train station and argue for cheaper fares for workers (be they unemployed, underemployed or content in their working life)...

You obviously don't know how the rail industry is structured.

Who are you going to talk to at the station regarding fares?


Let us know how you get on when you pop down to your local station, I look forward to your reply.

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It's true that class is less important these days. People don't pigeon hole themselves in that way any more.


The OP has an important message though. People need to unite against the main political parties that have got us in this mess, not be drawn into the game of divide and conquer.


It is estimated that by 2015 George Osborne will have borrowed £212bn more than he projected in 2010. That's right the debt is not decreasing, it is accelerating out of control.


Labour have no credible alternatives. Nothing on the table.


In 2014 the Tories will allow free access to 29 million migrants from Bulgaria and Romania.


The deal to defer unrestricted economic migration for only 7 years after EU expansion in 2007 was struck under Labour, when times were good. What an awful mistake that is going to turn out to be.


Anybody on any kind of welfare is going to be hammered by changes to the system from 2013. This includes many people in work who recieve benefits.


What is Labour doing to oppose this? They are totally ineffective. They can't oppose it too much - they put the many of the structures and processes in place to make it all possible.


There are too many other examples of how the major parties have shafted this country.


IMO we are going to have to fight back at some point or it will never stop.

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Chemist, you make a couple of assumptions, one being that all who read the metro are unable to think for themselves.

I have only ever read it to pass the time whilst travelling on public transport ( which I rarely do) believe it or not some people read a variety of newspapers to obtain a different perspective.


The second is that you think that all who read this post are thick.

Shall I tell you why?

The Sun newspaper was castigated a few years ago for treating its readers like idiots.

Do you know why?

Because it highlighted certain words in BOLD! BLACK! capitals in order for its readers to grasp the story and keep it flowing. Much like you have done.


Oh by the way, you do know that communism failed don't you?

I'm just referring to your Orwellian comment.

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