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Ian Duncan Smith condemns tax credits as 'not fit for purpose'!

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Hmmm very interesting and just what I thought in that Fraud accounts for very little in this figure.


So in reality they want to change the rules and they'll find it easier by telling people it's because of the Fraud as opposed to having to tell people they don't like the rules so they are changing them. Of course this is awkward for them as it is taking money off working people and they claim to be wanting to help them.


Interesting times ahead on this one.

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It is interesting that he is quick to rubbish the tax credits system with some bogus figures, yet when it was shown last month that the Government's flagship Work Programme ( the welfare-to-work scheme that pays private sector organisations to place people in work) was failing badly ministers were quick to ignore the statistics and carry on regardless.


IDS is an interesting character - A hardline Thatcherite leader of his party, when removed from his job has a 'road to Damascus' conversion when he visited a housing estate in Scotland, and wanted his party to be concerned about economic and social justice. He was then made Work and Pensions Secretary.... I guess it didn't take long for him to revert to type :roll:

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How to win an election

1. Mske all disabled people feel ashamed of being alive

2. Make people move into smaller homes, so greedy landlords can make more money.

3. Make workers take the blame for the bankers.

4. If anyone is left I'm sure theey'll be upset by April.

5. Punish unemployed people for not being able to find a job.

6, Never admit that any mistakes are the government's fault.

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How to win an election

1. Mske all disabled people feel ashamed of being alive

2. Make people move into smaller homes, so greedy landlords can make more money.

3. Make workers take the blame for the bankers.

4. If anyone is left I'm sure theey'll be upset by April.

5. Punish unemployed people for not being able to find a job.

6, Never admit that any mistakes are the government's fault.


I take it your post is promoting Sarcasm ? Hopefully:)


---------- Post added 01-01-2013 at 17:14 ----------


I’m at a loss to understand why free child care is offered at all, it’s better for the children and society if one of the parents stays at home to care for the children.


I agree with you entirely on the bold but families cant afford to have one parent staying at home. Both parents have to work to try and keep their finances afloat these days. Gone are the days when mother stayed at home to bring kids up, while Daddy went to work to provide for his family. Those were the days when kids were brought up to respect ! Nowadays they seem to be pushed from pillar to post so both their parents can go out to work just to keep their heads above water. Question is what effect is this having on our society and children ?

Years ago you could leave your doors unlocked without fear of being burgled ! Try that now and see what happens.

Government policies dont only affect your standard of living, they also affect society and how it behaves.


If people are pushed into a corner (like a rat) They will respond accordingly.


The worse is yet to come. If you think the present Austerity measures are hurting then get prepared because they are going to get a whole lot worse and people are going to be more skint than ever as this government are only just touching the surface at the moment !

The affected people I am talking about are working class, self employed and people who cant find a job ! The rich it wont affect, indeed they will coin it in !


Whats happened to the system ? Always thought the taxman was there to tax you, not give you money back !


Obviously low wages below the minimum needed to survive are to blame ! Thats what wants sorting out !!! The rich people who employ people for below the rate thats needed to survive should be brought to task, they are legal robbers and nothing more ! Anyone who works full time should be paying income tax full stop and not have to claim credits because they are being ripped off by their employer !!

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I’m at a loss to understand why free child care is offered at all, it’s better for the children and society if one of the parents stays at home to care for the children.


Do you really believe that? Surely the quality of parenting is what counts.


I can't believe that in this day and age anyone genuinely thinks that all children fare better just because someone is at home all the time. For starters, that would be impossible for a single working parent who prefers to take responsibility for all their child's needs. And there are families who have been workless for several generations. They're all at home, and by your reckoning that is better for them than to have the example of working parents.


If only we could revert to the days when having a dependent meant a higher tax code! Instead of paying say £350 a month in tax then having £200 returned via tax credits, only £150 tax would be paid. How simple would that be. :roll:

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Increase thresholds and give tax allowances for children and marriage.

Simples............[i think we may have been there before til some bright spark changed it all...


Tax allowances should be for people with kids only. Why should couples get allowances just for being married? Not everyone marries to have children. Couples already have an advantage in the housing market due to having 2 salaries. marriage is pointless anyway just a piece of paper. Single people are generally more open minded and pleasant people anyway.

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Do you really believe that? Surely the quality of parenting is what counts.


I can't believe that in this day and age anyone genuinely thinks that all children fare better just because someone is at home all the time. For starters, that would be impossible for a single working parent who prefers to take responsibility for all their child's needs. And there are families who have been workless for several generations. They're all at home, and by your reckoning that is better for them than to have the example of working parents.


If only we could revert to the days when having a dependent meant a higher tax code! Instead of paying say £350 a month in tax then having £200 returned via tax credits, only £150 tax would be paid. How simple would that be. :roll:


The best training for any child is surely from their parents. If their parents are available then that would be by far the best quality training for any kids. People that resort to outside help have to do so because of economic pressures so that they can work to keep their heads above water, hardly a child loving experience heh.

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You can only get Working Tax Credit if you work over 16 hours (possibly more for single people)


You have to work 30 hrs minimum if your single to get working tax.


My argument is that if you work you should be taxed full stop ! Not be allowed to take a job that offers you tax returns. The Taxmans job is to take your money off your earnings ! SIMPLES

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