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Ian Duncan Smith condemns tax credits as 'not fit for purpose'!

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Tax allowances should be for people with kids only. Why should couples get allowances just for being married? Not everyone marries to have children. Couples already have an advantage in the housing market due to having 2 salaries. marriage is pointless anyway just a piece of paper. Single people are generally more open minded and pleasant people anyway.

People who generalise are normally a bit dim. :hihi:

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Do you really believe that? Surely the quality of parenting is what counts.


I can't believe that in this day and age anyone genuinely thinks that all children fare better just because someone is at home all the time. For starters, that would be impossible for a single working parent who prefers to take responsibility for all their child's needs. And there are families who have been workless for several generations. They're all at home, and by your reckoning that is better for them than to have the example of working parents.


If only we could revert to the days when having a dependent meant a higher tax code! Instead of paying say £350 a month in tax then having £200 returned via tax credits, only £150 tax would be paid. How simple would that be. :roll:


Sorry for generalising, I wasn’t claiming that all children fare better just because one parent is at home all the time, but I would say that society and most children would be better off if they were brought up by both parents in a loving relationship and having the ability to live on one income.


I know one young single mother who works; she receives tax credits, child tax credits, and child care allowance. The tax payer pays more in child care cost than she earns from her employment, it would be cheaper for the tax payer if she didn’t work but was still given enough to live on and it would be better for her children if she cared for them instead of a child care provider.

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At the end of the day anyone who works should pay Tax. If the excuses are there to claim tax credits then how can that job be valid ? Think!!!


---------- Post added 01-01-2013 at 23:40 ----------


Sorry for generalising, I wasn’t claiming that all children fare better just because one parent is at home all the time, but I would say that society and most children would be better off if they were brought up by both parents in a loving relationship and having the ability to live on one income.


I know one young single mother who works; she receives tax credits, child tax credits, and child care allowance. The tax payer pays more in child care cost than she earns from her employment, it would be cheaper for the tax payer if she didn’t work but was still given enough to live on and it would be better for her children if she cared for them instead of a child care provider.


Max stick to your word. Children do fare better when a parent is there to supervise ! Forget what posters on here suggest ! Some dont seem to be in the position where bringing up kids is paramount ! They think only of earning a living ! At the expense of doing what you should be doing eg Looking after your kids !!! ONLY YOU can bring up your kids properly and YOU are responsible for them

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I sometimes despair at how our politicians and media distort things like this to suit their own political agenda.


Working Tax Credit is awarded to people to supplement their low wages, to ensure that families have a minimum standard of living.


So instead of attacking those in receipt of this, why don’t we change the rules so that employers pay these people a decent living wage in the first place.


But no we laud those that make a lot of money from paying low wages as great entrepreneurs and business people, whilst attacking the poor that depend on Tax Credits to supplement their income.


Complete and utter madness!!!!


100% correct. The hypocrisy of this CONDEMned lot stinks to high heaven. But yet, idiots still buy the spin and hype - this serves to highlight why they don't want a decent education for the majority.

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100% correct. The hypocrisy of this CONDEMned lot stinks to high heaven. But yet, idiots still buy the spin and hype - this serves to highlight why they don't want a decent education for the majority.


It's not that simple though is it. We've already heard how public sector workers are receiving tax credits, so we'll all be paying more money anyway.

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Me and my partner both work full time earning about £42k combined. Until April we were getting about £250 per month in Working Tax Credits, then in April it stopped. It left a big hole in our monthly budget, but we adjusted what we spend and do just fine now without it. To be honest it's a relief not to have to go through the annual rigmarole and completing the tax credits review which is always very stressful, every year they'd tell us they overpaid us so we'd have to pay it back, begs the question why they paid it to us in the first place.


The whole system of people paying tax, then having to fill in loads of paperwork to "claim some of it back" is a bureaucrats idea of heaven which serves to keep hundreds if not thousands of bureaucratic form checkers, inputters, assessors and investigators on the public payroll. It would be far more efficient to simplify our tax system so peaople pay the right level of tax in the first place instead of taxing people only to pay some it back to them.


£42k combined and given credits! Jesus! How the other half live! Kids or not (that was your choice) people struggle on sooo much less who cant get such well paid jobs and dont get benefits which make up to anyway near that. I dont think on that salary you should be getting credits or benefits.

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It's not that simple though is it. We've already heard how public sector workers are receiving tax credits, so we'll all be paying more money anyway.


So the Doleys allowances are cut !! What next ? Obviously its got to be the working class ! Tax should be about taking money off the workers, not giving credits !!! The government create false jobs by giving rebates and nothing more !!!!


Give this government the rope they want and you will find out the true meaning of AUSTERITY, believe me its only just started. They are only just touching the surface !!!

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Tax allowances should be for people with kids only. Why should couples get allowances just for being married? Not everyone marries to have children. Couples already have an advantage in the housing market due to having 2 salaries. marriage is pointless anyway just a piece of paper. Single people are generally more open minded and pleasant people anyway.


As apposed to some people who just pop kids out knowing the benefit system will pay for them so they dont have to work and get a cheap house etc.... Yes encouraging that is MUCH better!.

As for couples having an "advantage" your either very naive or live in a bubble, many couples are on very very low wages, cant get benefits or council houses handed to them on a damn plate just because theyve chosen to not have children yet! If you opened your eyes you would realise there is lots of help for people with children but if you havent got kids your left to fend for yourselves!!!! First things crisis and emergency family helplines ask is "do you both have children" if the answer is no your helping hands are few and far between, my relatives found that the hard way when they became homeless! If they'd have popped kids out they would had been offered much more help and much quicker! Like their friends. So dont stupid naive comments in future! The financial help and housing and support to people without kids in this country is awful!

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£42k combined and given credits! Jesus! How the other half live! Kids or not (that was your choice) people struggle on sooo much less who cant get such well paid jobs and dont get benefits which make up to anyway near that. I dont think on that salary you should be getting credits or benefits.


Everyone wants something for nothing so-to-speak, they'd all take out without putting anything in. People who say otherwise are liars and that's the way it is. Get over it.


I don't make the rules though and as Mecky points out why would anybody not claim money that the Government has said they are entitled to so I'm not about to apologise but I do agree with you charlie boy as we are doing fine without those Tax Credits since they were ended in April.

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