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God Believers. Do you ever question your faith?

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I contend that we are all atheists. I simply believe in one fewer God than many other people. When they understand why I dismiss all the other possible Gods, they will understand why I dismiss theirs.



I have reached the conclusion that the world is an enigma. It is a harmless enigma made terrible only by our own mad attempts to interpret it as though it has some underlying truth.



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Definitely, why people have any response other than ''fair enough'' I don't know, every time it comes up, it's always my response


I'm an atheist - fair enough


I'm religious - fair enough


doesn't make a difference to me


A bland fence sitting response of no use to people like victims of the Taliban.


---------- Post added 01-01-2013 at 19:12 ----------


Your faith is a private issue within yourself. It is not to be questioned by other people.

The atheist who bores everyone everyone with his reasoning is as bad as the religious fundamentalist..

My faith is my affair, its not up for discussion..........


If your faith in any way affects the lives of others it is up for discussion, if you are in a position of power over others lives and your faith leads to poor judgement e.g. Blair in Iraq leaving millions dead. If you are so much as a traffic warden and your faith affects how you treat others then it is public property and up for discussion.

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We may well question our beliefs, values and tenets at times of personal grief or Global tragedy but to revoke them could undermine the definition of who we are. If we admit that something we have considered a doctrine or 'truth' is in fact false, then what else in our life may not be real?


Sometimes it is easier to 'live a lie' than accept reality. I have seen many examples of this and the ensuing 'fallout' when circumstances cause the cracks to appear in the facade.

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You cannot see or touch air. Does that mean that you do not believe that it exists?:)


Of course you can see and touch air. You're touching air right now!


You can feel it directly every time the wind blows. You can see it's effects on other things as they get blown about. You can see it every time you inflate a balloon. You can capture it, analyse it, identify it's components. You can manipulate it and use it's power to cause predictable, measurable, reliable results in the physical world.


Can you do that with god?

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Considering the op asked "god believers" what they think, there seems to be an awful lot of atheists on here.


It's a bit like a thread asking vegetarians about their favourite vegetable and a load of meat eaters suggesting theyd be better off eating meat.


Odd !


I doubt there are many church attendees willing to comment as their average age is seventy-something and that generation is not renowned for embracing new technologies. Atheists do seem to be in the majority these days.

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I doubt there are many church attendees willing to comment as their average age is seventy-something and that generation is not renowned for embracing new technologies. Atheists do seem to be in the majority these days.


Possibly, but that wasn't who the op asked opinions from. He asked for god believers, not church (or mosque, temple, synagogue) goers. That's a different question entirely.

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