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God Believers. Do you ever question your faith?

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The non-believer has no views on religion, or does he ??

They often sound unsure to me, more like agnostics. The ones who constantly question the existence of a God and claim not to believe amaze me.

I believe, I have faith, its not Catholic based, nor protestant, nor Methodist, but just plain Christianity. It provides me with comfort, it gives me rules to live by and gives me a humanitarian view of life. If it was proved beyond all doubt that there was no God I doubt my attitude to society would change. I would still behave in a Christian manner.


You have faith in what exactly? Fairies? Heaven and Hell? Eternal torture for finite sin? Eternal damnation? Please share how you derive comfort from your faith.


Have you dismissed the OT so that you don't have to defend the wholesale slaughter of peoples, rape and slavery?

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The non-believer has no views on religion, or does he ??


I have views on religion. I'm a non-believer. Why shouldn't non-believers have views on religion?


They often sound unsure to me, more like agnostics. The ones who constantly question the existence of a God and claim not to believe amaze me.


I've questioned the existence of god or gods(and numerous other claimed things). It's why I don't believe in god, gods, fairies, lockness monsters, supernatural powers, etc.


I believe, I have faith, its not Catholic based, nor protestant, nor Methodist, but just plain Christianity.


Can you explain what plain Christianity is - and how it differs from protestant, catholic - and the countless other variants of Christianity?


...it gives me rules to live by and gives me a humanitarian view of life.


I have a humanitarian view of life without Christianity.


I would still behave in a Christian manner.


I think you'd behave in a humanitarian manner - something that Christianity has never held copyright to.

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I have a humanitarian view of life without Christianity.


I guess the Christianity thing or any religion is the catalyst. If religion was to magically disappear would those who are humanitarian because of it, all of a sudden lose that trait?


Which beggars the op's question. Lose your faith and you could lose your humanitarianism considering they go hand in hand it would seem.

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If religion was to magically disappear would those who are humanitarian because of it, all of a sudden lose that trait?


I'm not convinced they are humanitarian because of it. I think if it is in a person's nature to be kind, caring and concerned for others, they'll be that way regardless.

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I dont like football.I find it pointless and boring but I dont go on the football forums knocking it. Everyone to his own.

I went thru' the Marxist stage over 40 years ago, it was part of my journey towards tolerance and respect for others. The Church itself does nothing for Christianity.............their attitudes to women bishops and their lack of tolerance towards gay marriage appalls me. It still dosent affect my beliefs

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You have faith in what exactly? Fairies? Heaven and Hell? Eternal torture for finite sin? Eternal damnation? Please share how you derive comfort from your faith.


Have you dismissed the OT so that you don't have to defend the wholesale slaughter of peoples, rape and slavery?


You arent suggesting religion has the copyright on slaughter, rape and slavery are you ? Communism, by definition atheist, managed (and continues to) kill millions when it had its day in the sun. Men will happily punch (and worse) other men over who supports which football team or even a spilt pint. The common denominator in all this isn't gods or lack of them, but people.

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I'm not convinced they are humanitarian because of it. I think if it is in a person's nature to be kind, caring and concerned for others, they'll be that way regardless.


True, a load of Torys claim to be Christians but they lack any sort of humanity. Their God is the almighty GBP Sterling.

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You arent suggesting religion has the copyright on slaughter, rape and slavery are you ? Communism, by definition atheist, managed (and continues to) kill millions when it had its day in the sun. Men will happily punch (and worse) other men over who supports which football team or even a spilt pint. The common denominator in all this isn't gods or lack of them, but people.


The bible endorses genocide, infanticide, rape and slavery. Or do you ignore the OT and just condone 'touchy feely' Jesus who insists that you disown your family and give away your posessions before you can enter his kingdom and worship him for eternity?

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The bible endorses genocide, infanticide, rape and slavery. Or do you ignore the OT and just condone 'touchy feely' Jesus who insists that you disown your family and give away your posessions before you can enter his kingdom and worship him for eternity?


Not according to my interpretation of it, it doesn't.

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