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God Believers. Do you ever question your faith?

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You arent suggesting religion has the copyright on slaughter, rape and slavery are you ? Communism, by definition atheist, managed (and continues to) kill millions when it had its day in the sun.


Communism is derived from common or universal. Communism is also a theoretical economic system. It is not, by definition, atheist.


Atheist, by definition, means a[not]theist. So you are talking out of your hat.

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Communism is derived from common or universal. Communism is also a theoretical economic system. It is not, by definition, atheist.


Atheist, by definition, means a[not]theist. So you are talking out of your hat.


So communism subscribes to a religion ? Is a religion ?

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You have faith in what exactly? Fairies? Heaven and Hell? Eternal torture for finite sin? Eternal damnation? Please share how you derive comfort from your faith.


Have you dismissed the OT so that you don't have to defend the wholesale slaughter of peoples, rape and slavery?


The bible endorses genocide, infanticide, rape and slavery. Or do you ignore the OT and just condone 'touchy feely' Jesus who insists that you disown your family and give away your posessions before you can enter his kingdom and worship him for eternity?





Please explain further Janie. I'd be interested to know what that atheist propaganda is?




Those above comments from Marx is my explanation.

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Not according to my interpretation of it, it doesn't.


Actually, the OT does condone slavery. The NT's core structure is also fashioned around the concept of slave and master(even comparing god to a master who beats his slaves with many stripes) - and encourages slaves to submit to authority.


---------- Post added 01-01-2013 at 23:58 ----------


So communism subscribes to a religion ? Is a religion ?


You claimed communism, by definition, is atheist. Communism is a theoretical economic system. It is not, by definition, atheist.


---------- Post added 02-01-2013 at 00:06 ----------


Those above comments from Marx is my explanation.


Well, please show us - or send me a PM - and explain why he is wrong about what the bible says about slavery, etc. And please explain why certain verses in the OT depict a god commanding or actively taking part in acts of genocide and infanticide.


Until then, your its "atheist propaganda" claim hasn't really been substantiated.

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I contend that we are all atheists. I simply believe in one fewer God than many other people. When they understand why I dismiss all the other possible Gods, they will understand why I dismiss theirs.



I have reached the conclusion that the world is an enigma. It is a harmless enigma made terrible only by our own mad attempts to interpret it as though it has some underlying truth.




If you're going to quote from Richard Dawkins and Umberto Eco it might be an idea to credit them.

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Well, please show us - or send me a PM - and explain why he is wrong about what the bible says about slavery, etc. And please explain why certain verses in the OT depict a god commanding or actively taking part in acts of genocide and infanticide.


Until then, your its "atheist propaganda" claim hasn't really been substantiated.

Sorry Ryedo i'm not getting into all that at this time,and anyway i've explained before,those references atheists select from the old testament have no influence on my own faith whatsoever.There isn't a rule in the Christian faith to say you have to believe everything written in the bible.God is not going to condemn anyone for not believing any of it if they so choose,thats my personal feeling.


I would just like to say,that i responded to a post without reading the whole thread at the first instance.I have since done so and can identify with Wornout53 since i have had the same experience, and also i understand Bethsmummy though i havn't been in the same position, the way she (and others) describe their faith makes sense to me.


Lots of people gain great strength from their faith especially at times of suffering,though that isn't to say they may not experience lapses of absence of faith (as clarity may not be apparent to them at the time)nor do we fully comprehend the meaning of why people have to suffer,nor are we all exempt from feeling the same anger as atheists do when we hear about and witness the suffering of others who we know don't deserve it.


We can't explain, and we can't prove the existance of God to an atheist,belief is much about feeling that God is present in the world, in every act of goodness in people whether they are believers or not

Very few people think of God as a distant man with a beard,looking down on us from the sky ready to punish us for anything that is dissaproved of,though so many atheists do appear to think thats what we all imagine.:roll:

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How do Christians feel about the organised church?


I'm a non-believer and I have no problem with people believing, I do have real problems with those beliefs being fixed in place and ritualised. I'm curious to understand how many Christians see the relationship between their personal faith and the doctrines of their church (assuming they go to one).

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How do Christians feel about the organised church?


I'm a non-believer and I have no problem with people believing, I do have real problems with those beliefs being fixed in place and ritualised. I'm curious to understand how many Christians see the relationship between their personal faith and the doctrines of their church (assuming they go to one).

We do not have to to go to an organized religious building to stay spiritually fit,but just like going to the gym to stay physically fit it can help!

We ourselves can become the church if we choose but we have to be very careful as with politics or any doctrinal info what we choose to believe, as there are many out there after our minds and wallets.

I ,personally cannot argue with the new testament doctrines/teachings of JC or St Paul............sure you can do your time here without any of it,and many do, but as Paul said, life was like looking through a dim mirror........till the scales fell from his eyes!

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