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God Believers. Do you ever question your faith?

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We do not have to to go to an organized religious building to stay spiritually fit,but just like going to the gym to stay physically fit it can help!

We ourselves can become the church if we choose but we have to be very careful as with politics or any doctrinal info what we choose to believe, as there are many out there after our minds and wallets.

I ,personally cannot argue with the new testament doctrines/teachings of JC or St Paul............sure you can do your time here without any of it,and many do, but as Paul said, life was like looking through a dim mirror........till the scales fell from his eyes!


That's kinda what I mean though - if you've got the doctrines/teachings of JC or St Paul in the Bible then why do you need to go to church?


I sometimes go to Quaker meetings myself which I find really nice, not sure if I would personally enjoy a more traditional church service if i did believe though to be honest. I don't feel as though there's much room for a person to work things out for themselves.

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I am questioning my faith at moment. I just can't get my head round how two tragic deaths of two lovely people from one family in a short space of time. Iv been told told that god only gives you what you can handle but this is a serious heartbreaker I can't get my head round even for a second.


Don't blame "god" for man's atrocities. We do have free will

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There isn't a rule in the Christian faith to say you have to believe everything written in the bible.


Perhaps not, but some variants of the Christian faith take the contents of the bible a little more seriously; believing it contains the inherent and infallible words of their god.


So they aren't so eager to discard the bits they don't like.


God is not going to condemn anyone for not believing any of it if they so choose,thats my personal feeling.


At least your god sounds much better than the god of the Christian bible.


I would just like to say,that i responded to a post without reading the whole thread at the first instance.I have since done so and can identify with Wornout53 since i have had the same experience, and also i understand Bethsmummy though i havn't been in the same position, the way she (and others) describe their faith makes sense to me.


It must be difficult when reality hits home after basing your whole life around the pretence of faith. Can't help but feel sorry them.

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Someone brought atheism into the discussion, so it's understandable that atheists would respond to those comments.


Also, a lot of us are interested in social issues and different points of view.


I dont think anyone ever has to bring atheism into a thread to get atheists to stick their two penneth in. They seem to be attracted to religious threads like flies to dung, not wanted just inevitable

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I dont think anyone ever has to bring atheism into a thread to get atheists to stick their two penneth in.


I agree. Isn't it great that we can all go on different threads - theist or atheist - and share facts and opinions.


They seem to be attracted to religious threads like flies to dung, not wanted just inevitable


Well, we might spend most of our lives trying not to step in dung, but sometimes you just can't avoid a cow pat or two.

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Perhaps not, but some variants of the Christian faith take the contents of the bible a little more seriously; believing it contains the inherent and infallible words of their god.


So they aren't so eager to discard the bits they don't like.




At least your god sounds much better than the god of the Christian bible.




It must be difficult when reality hits home after basing your whole life around the pretence of faith. Can't help but feel sorry them.


As an atheist, you seem to know an awful lot about the bible. More than me that's for sure. Like alot people i suppose, I class myself as a christian but really only turn up at a church for hatches, matches and dispatches. I know the lords prayer (once I get started) and cherry pick the bits of Christianity I like, god forgives all, the concept of an afterlife, love your neighbour that sort of thing.


I'm not a great believer in organised religion - I believe in god I don't really trust the people who work for him.

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Faith is a mask for people to pretend they are not ignorant, as god provides the excuse to questions they have no idea what the answers are.


Faith is based on earth, and hell is where exactly? Does it have a place, a residence, if so where?


Heaven was once thought to be up there , somewhere beyond the earth, but humans are investigating the "heavens, and its not quite so simple is it. Galaxies, solar systems, billion of them, all unexplored to date, and just as well, don't want another myth to crash back to earth does one?


So the arrogance of ignorance is fed to the rest who just about cope with daily life, and it has to get better, as its difficult to get along for most, the kids playing up, the job not paying enough. Desperate people seek any way to get help one way or another, and faith, even blind faith, like playing the lottery, just might be the winning ticket.


Its all rubbish but we love it, the stories, the hope, and faith business is always booming even in a recession, depression, famine, drought. The flock pay to charities, the faiths and pretend to know bits are not creamed off for this and that necessity. Even the holy ones have to eat and drive cars, live in impressive houses, fly first class as its nearer to heaven innit?


So for the blind, faith allows one to HOPE, and HOPE costs, rents and tax to pay, as well as wages, and bills. So faith and hope the secure business model of thousands of years, need charity, your charity, and you ungrateful lot had better cough up generously, or god will be displeased. Remember your place, you are low life, worship your faith, it will always fall short, but keep paying for hope, sinners!

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Faith is a mask for people to pretend they are not ignorant, as god provides the excuse to questions they have no idea what the answers are.


Faith is based on earth, and hell is where exactly? Does it have a place, a residence, if so where?


Heaven was once thought to be up there , somewhere beyond the earth, but humans are investigating the "heavens, and its not quite so simple is it. Galaxies, solar systems, billion of them, all unexplored to date, and just as well, don't want another myth to crash back to earth does one?


So the arrogance of ignorance is fed to the rest who just about cope with daily life, and it has to get better, as its difficult to get along for most, the kids playing up, the job not paying enough. Desperate people seek any way to get help one way or another, and faith, even blind faith, like playing the lottery, just might be the winning ticket.


Its all rubbish but we love it, the stories, the hope, and faith business is always booming even in a recession, depression, famine, drought. The flock pay to charities, the faiths and pretend to know bits are not creamed off for this and that necessity. Even the holy ones have to eat and drive cars, live in impressive houses, fly first class as its nearer to heaven innit?


So for the blind, faith allows one to HOPE, and HOPE costs, rents and tax to pay, as well as wages, and bills. So faith and hope the secure business model of thousands of years, need charity, your charity, and you ungrateful lot had better cough up generously, or god will be displeased. Remember your place, you are low life, worship your faith, it will always fall short, but keep paying for hope, sinners!


I am quite surprised a priest can exercise such views,erebus meaning bringer of light in Latin.

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