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Stop smoking new year

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I stopped in March 2012. I hadn't intended to I just saw one of those electric ones for sale in Tesco in menthol which is what I smoked, decided to give them a try & I've never smoked a real cigarette since. Unfortunately health wise I've never been worse, had my first ever dentistry (2 fillings due to replacing cigarettes with mints) I've also started suffering from anxiety & panic attacks. Still waiting for the health benefits of stopping smoking

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Hi there, just thought I'd pop in with a quick note - was looking around to see if anyone was mentioning our new shop which opens on Manor Top tomorrow - no such luck!


I also realise that this post may be breaking some forum rule or other so moderators please advise...


I'm especially interested in reaching out to the people who do enjoy the act and feeling of smoking but may be looking for a healthier and cheaper alternative... As well as to those that are struggling through their New Year's Resolutions regarding tobacco.


We have been amongst the pioneers in the electronic cigarette industry for five years. We source high quality, safe, UK laboratory-tested products that are highly effective for thousands of people, but we have found that actually seeing and TRYING our products is the best test anyone can have to see if they can be effective for them.


So, we are now opening on Manor Top (old Halifax building) to complement our main shop and distribution centre on Archer Road.


Come down and try them, for free, if you''re interested... No hard sells.


All the best for the New Year from everyone at Mirage.

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