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Orthopaedic Operation

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Today, I saw Mr.Howard the Surgeon at Northern General Hospital who wants me to have an operation on my spine to relieve the pain and discomfort of Chronic Arthritis. The first Doctor I saw said the operation would have a 60/40 chance of success, and the second one said the chance of becoming paralyzed from the operation is less than one per cent, but there is no guarantee, which is obvious.


So, I am asking any Forum member who has had or knows someone who has had a similar operation what they think,is it wise to take the risk or might it make me worse. I am on a waiting list of approximately twelve months whilst having physiotherapy and I can cancel the operation if I wish when the time comes.

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I don't know of anyone who has faced this decision.


Personally I would not go for an option that involved any work on my spine but being that the only time this has come up was for an epidural and not to relieve an already painful condition then I am not sure they are a good comparision.


There is always a risk that something will go wrong with work related to the spine, they cannot possibly guarantee such delicate work. What they can do is make sure they take every precaustion necessary to make sure the worst doesn't happen.


sorry I cannot be of anymore help Hal, but I hope things work out for the best.


Moon Maiden

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Thanks for replying M.M.it is a dilema, as I do realise there is a risk as there is with any operation, but also, different degrees of risk. However, I have twelve months to decide and who knows what might happen meantime at my age, it may not be necessary after all, I shall just have to wait and see. Thanks again. Hal.

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The 60% risk is of it succeeding, and the 1% of being paralysed, so it is possible the operation might not succeed and you wouldn't be paralysed is 39%.


The odds are in your favour, and the doctors wouldn't put you on a waiting list unless they thought, on balance, it would improve your quality of life.

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Hi it's always difficult when you have to decide but perhaps my recent experience will help. Following a motorcycle accident in Sept 03 I spent 6 weeks in Northern General. I badly broke all 4 limbs and am still undergoing treatment at home in a wheelchair.

The damage was bad. I was under Mr Gibson but 4 surgeons were involved at the time due to complications and delicate nerve damage. I met many people on the wards due to the fact N General is one of the top orthopeadic hospitals in the country. Many patients were transferred from other hospitals including BUPA hospitals because of the excellent level of experience and specialist staff. I met one man with chroinic arthritus all over his body he was in hosp every 3 months for operations and couldn't say enough about the expertise of the surgeons.

the staff are billiant and the home care from the Community rehab team is excellent.

I will be walking soon and they saved all my nerve endings so I will get all movement and feeling back. The main point is they dealt with me and many others after an accident and did a brilliant job with you it will at least be prepared for. Not sure if this helps but if you do go in you couldn't be in a better place according to all the referrals and my own experience. whatever you decide best of luck.

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