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Spanish locksmiths say "No hay más"

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When we visited Valencia a few years ago, a walk around the City of Arts and Sciences and the underlying message was clear. "This place is bust or soon will be!"


Nice photos of the architecture though.

They live in a small town called Sagunto one of her other brothers runs a local bar he borrowed a bit of money do the place up trade has dropped off and the bank are on his case to pay it back we gave him some money to help but the bank are still not satisfied,they are lucky as they own their house but most of the houses around are ether boarded up or about to be,it makes me sad when we go there to think of all the good times we have had there in the past,Valencia borrowed loads of money for some big sports and and athletics center millions of euros spent and the place is shut up they did not even finish building the place,their banking system is a bit different to our they have local small banks who borrow money of the national banks and lend it to the local people it is these banks that are the worst and are a lot to do with the trouble, but if you speak to the locals they all blame the Germans.

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This is a story about people not settling their debts and houses getting reposessed. Somewhere along the way somebody has to pay up!


Its not quite as simple as that though, many in Spain are unable to pay their debts through no fault of their own; many are losing their jobs due to an economic crisis they didn't cause.

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any idea how i can buy a repossed house in spain


Contact the banks for details.

It had to happen in Spain I have predicted it for 15 years the rate properties were going up in value was not realistic.

At one stage 2 mllion building workers were were in the coastal areas in Spain and living in apartments etc for the working week and returning home at the weekend.

When the work stopped there was a glut of unsold properties which had been rented by the workforce.

Two properties I bought 24 years ago went for 14 times what I paid for them when I sold them six years ago.

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At last folk are waking up to people power.


IF and I repeat IF, people stuck together the world would be a better place. No doubt Cyclone will chip in with his normal negative twopennorth but it really is true.

When there were strikes right across Europe last December, where were our Union leaders ?? We should have been supporting our fellow humanbeings.

As Smarmy Dave and George Osborne say "We are all in this together".

When we do stick together, our police put on their jackboots.

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Perhaps the English bailiffs will join them.


Maybe fleas will stop sucking blood.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 14:39 ----------


But Spanish glass is just as fragile as the stuff over here..can you really see the banks not repossesing if the locksmiths won't cooperate?


So the door will be kicked in and then boarded up afterwards, well done locksmiths, making a difference.


They have made a difference already, by drawing yet more attention to the revolting spectacle of evicting people from their homes in the financial interests of the very institutions which brought the economic situation about through their reckless negligence.


This publicity will encourage more people to oppose the agenda of war on the masses to preserve the lifestyle of the few. The more people who oppose them, the more difficult it will become for them to implement their 'measures'. That is beyond question. It is simple mathematics.

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Maybe fleas will stop sucking blood.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 14:39 ----------





They have made a difference already, by drawing yet more attention to the revolting spectacle of evicting people from their homes in the financial interests of the very institutions which brought the economic situation about through their reckless negligence.


This publicity will encourage more people to oppose the agenda of war on the masses to preserve the lifestyle of the few. The more people who oppose them, the more difficult it will become for them to implement their 'measures'. That is beyond question. It is simple mathematics.


Well said it IS as simple as that. Perhaps our spineless Trade Unions could understand this ?? They threw in the towel years ago. I am ashamed of being a Union member because of the lack of leadership but I will not resign.

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IF and I repeat IF, people stuck together the world would be a better place. No doubt Cyclone will chip in with his normal negative twopennorth but it really is true.

When there were strikes right across Europe last December, where were our Union leaders ?? We should have been supporting our fellow humanbeings.

As Smarmy Dave and George Osborne say "We are all in this together".

When we do stick together, our police put on their jackboots.

well said but just how far further in to poverty will the people realise that its time do do something about it :suspect:
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I'm absolutely sure that not everyone agrees that repossessions are wrong! Not sure how that's relevant though? A bit of a strawman if you don't use it to make some kind of point.

I was countering your point that if everyone stopped taking part in activities that they believed were wrong the world would be perfect.

NOT everyone believes that repossessions are wrong, so the people who believe that they are right will continue to take part in them. Those being the people who lent the money I expect, via savings with the banks, via investments in the banks and those who simply believe in the rule of law.


However, the locksmiths clearly agree they are wrong, as do the victims, and, I believe, a huge portion of the nations population there also agree.


What an emotive term to use for people who willingly borrowed money and agreed to "your home is at risk should fail to maintain your mortgage payments" or the equivalent in Spanish. What are they victims of, their own bad financial planning.


The key is, when people do believe it is wrong, they act acordingly, which is what the locksmiths have done.

Since the majority of people will not agree the locksmiths will fail to achieve anything, which is what I said in my first post I believe.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 17:57 ----------


When the banks got into trouble they got help, much of it interest free and the terms were favorable to them. When an individual gets into trouble, the banks take their house and throw them onto the street.


Yes, just like that. One missed payment and they're out on the street.


Oh, except that I doubt it's anything like that at all.


They are probably not repossessed for several years after missing a payment and they are probably offered every possible opportunity the bank can. After all the bank looses money if it repossesses a house, it's not in their interests unless every avenue has been explored.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 18:02 ----------


IF and I repeat IF, people stuck together the world would be a better place. No doubt Cyclone will chip in with his normal negative twopennorth but it really is true.

Lets imagine your utopia was made to happen. The banks in Spain go bust because they can no longer force anyone to pay a mortgage.


The recession lasts for a decade, due to the complete failure of the banking sector, misery for a decade, but at least no one is thrown out of the house they stole.


Then what.


Kids grow up, they want to buy houses as well.... Mortgages don't exist though, what international bank would want to lend money to a Spaniard now, what local would set up a banking business when mortgages could well go south again and remain unpaid and unreclaimable.

The property market is as destroyed as the banking market and the disaffected young adults cannot buy property.

Hey, but at least they're all sticking together and not letting some ridiculous idea about repaying debts they owe force them out of a house they can't afford!

When there were strikes right across Europe last December, where were our Union leaders ?? We should have been supporting our fellow humanbeings.

As Smarmy Dave and George Osborne say "We are all in this together".

When we do stick together, our police put on their jackboots.

Supporting each other into economic oblivion, no thanks.

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