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Get to the gym or lose benefits!

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not sure if it`s been said before, but what exercise got to do with weight loss?


Assuming that you keep your calorie intake the same, an increase in activity levels will mean you burn more (more than you consume hopefully) and you'll loose weight.

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not sure if it`s been said before, but what exercise got to do with weight loss?


Losing the weight isn't as important as getting fit and fat people can be fit and much healthier for it, there are many benefits to exercising with weight loss being just one of them.

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Been fat or obese isnt just about lack of excercise but the food people eat. Pay for them to go t the gym but unless they drop the calorie intake as well . . . It would be a waste of time.



So what we need is workhouses . . . . Anyone on benefit that is ovese or fat . . . Mandate them to six mobths in a workhousr wherr the food is provided and excercise in the form of WORK is provided and. 2 hours gym or someform of cardio exercise is on the agenda . . Problem sorted. . . . Also the thin unempkoyed people could apply for the jobs created in these workhouse such as catering team, cleaning team, carers team and gym team. Maintaince team handyman, loads of jobs . . . . Double whammy . . . . BTW. Im joking.


Society cannot dictate to individuals about there weight and well being. There could be many reasons why a person is fat or obese starting with their mental state of health, circumstances at home, mobility and up bringing, sending them packing to a gym would be like painting over cracks . . . Pyscological issues run deep and these need addessing first

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I had one of those health checks in 2007 and it turned out I had the (apparent) fitness levels of a high end sports person, my resting heart rate was about 56bmp and my BMI was perfect.


I was the perfect physical specimen according to their charts.


The problem was, 4 days after this my heart almost packed up and I ended up on a cardiac ward for 18 hours. It was my prior fitness levels that prevented my heart from actually packing up.


Needless to say when I asked the doctor how this could have happened I was told "it can happen to anyone at any time" as I found out.


Anyway after leaving hospital I got myself back to a point where I could walk 50 meters again, began jogging a few months later.....and built my fitness back up. So all this BMI is a load of garbage, if your hearts going to stop then it could happen at any time


It could happen to anyone (presumably you had an underlying health or heart problem), but it's much more likely to happen to someone who is obese.

BMI is a load of rubbish, but that's not to say that there are no health risks with being obese (interestingly there are some health benefits associated with being what we call mildly over weight).

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as a lot of obese people have mental issues this is a non idea before we start and half of the so called healthy foods are not that healthy ie low fat marge full of chemicals, diet foods that are low fat full of sugar special comes to mind just half of my head


low fat is not the same as healthy.


The so called healthy foods like fresh fruit and veg, things that aren't deep fried, heavily processed and/or coated with breadcrumbs, these are healthy and also happen to be lower calorie, lower salt, etc... than the alternatives.

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Been fat or obese isnt just about lack of excercise but the food people eat. Pay for them to go t the gym but unless they drop the calorie intake as well . . . It would be a waste of time.



So what we need is workhouses . . . . Anyone on benefit that is ovese or fat . . . Mandate them to six mobths in a workhousr wherr the food is provided and excercise in the form of WORK is provided and. 2 hours gym or someform of cardio exercise is on the agenda . . Problem sorted. . . . Also the thin unempkoyed people could apply for the jobs created in these workhouse such as catering team, cleaning team, carers team and gym team. Maintaince team handyman, loads of jobs . . . . Double whammy . . . . BTW. Im joking.


Society cannot dictate to individuals about there weight and well being. There could be many reasons why a person is fat or obese starting with their mental state of health, circumstances at home, mobility and up bringing, sending them packing to a gym would be like painting over cracks . . . Pyscological issues run deep and these need addessing first

Aerobic exercise has mental health benefits and cuts depression and being depressed means you are less likely to want to exercise, force depressed people to exercise and many will thank you for it in the long term.

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This for me is the key point. Lots of people live their lives in ways that I disapprove of, but in a free(ish) society people cannot be compelled to exercise - no matter how good it is for them.


If the issue is obesity, then why not extend this scheme to all overweight people, or tax foods that are high in saturated fats.


I think the issue is more to do with stigmatising working age people on benefits: most of whom are already in work; and the majority of people who are unemployed do get jobs. This proposal would have been thought ludicrous 30 years ago, people would not have tolerated this level of bullying where people who are poor are humiliated on television (on the likes of the Jeremy Kyle Show)


And it does seem rather odd that a council that is headed by a political party that talks of a 'smaller state' is trying to run people's lives in this manner


People apply to go on jeremy kyle . . . . They totally know what is going to happen for some people in society going on the JK show is like having an ASBO . . . . A trophey. Be under no illusion about the draw this programme has on the most 'vunerable' people in society.

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This for me is the key point. Lots of people live their lives in ways that I disapprove of, but in a free(ish) society people cannot be compelled to exercise - no matter how good it is for them.


If the issue is obesity, then why not extend this scheme to all overweight people, or tax foods that are high in saturated fats.


I think the issue is more to do with stigmatising working age people on benefits: most of whom are already in work; and the majority of people who are unemployed do get jobs. This proposal would have been thought ludicrous 30 years ago, people would not have tolerated this level of bullying where people who are poor are humiliated on television (on the likes of the Jeremy Kyle Show)


And it does seem rather odd that a council that is headed by a political party that talks of a 'smaller state' is trying to run people's lives in this manner


The freedom is not being removed though, they are free to not exercise, not claim benefits and find some other way to feed and house themselves.


It's not unreasonable to impose conditions on being given money, it's exactly how employment works. The council has a responsibility to try to improve health within it's area, this is one attempt to tackle that.

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