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Get to the gym or lose benefits!

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After April 2013 councils will be responsible for public health provision, and in response Westminster Council has proposed that overweight people should lose their benefits if they refuse to attend fitness classes.



Have Westminster Council got it right?




This puts there own gyms (westminister councils) at an advantage over the local privately run gyms.


I'm guessing the memberships paid will be paid into council run facilities putting them at a slight advantage.


Are the memberships at the local westminister council gyms running a little low at the moment?

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How much more of these bullyboy tactics are people going to put up with?



I for one am sick to the back teeth of politicians and self appointed "do gooders" deciding how others should live their own life.



You can bet those people won't lose any of their "in work" benefits because they are fat.



I wonder if the whole of Westminster council have an acceptable BMI by the way?


Only in work benefit i can think of is wages . . Those people work for. Personally why can peopke not work for their benefits . Litter picking, painting, community tidy up, and other jobs that council cuts wont cover.

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This puts there own gyms (westminister councils) over the local privately run gyms.


I'm guessing the memberships paid will be paid into council run facilities putting them at a slight advantage.


Are the memberships at the local westminister council gyms running a little low at the moment?


Why put a twist on this?Councils run gyms for the benefit of the community,often at a loss.Private gyms feel at a disadvantage as they operate to make money,often setting fees which exclude those on lower incomes.You are detracting from the general debate.Why dont the private gyms do a discount for the overweight?Fitness not fatness would be a suitably cheesy slogan.

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Why put a twist on this?Councils run gyms for the benefit of the community,often at a loss.Private gyms feel at a disadvantage as they operate to make money,often setting fees which exclude those on lower incomes.You are detracting from the general debate.Why dont the private gyms do a discount for the overweight?Fitness not fatness would be a suitably cheesy slogan.




I personally don't believe that the councils are that bothered about the overweight getting fitter, I would imagine that a number of their own facilities are losing custom due to the recession (which also goes for private gyms, see the growth of the budget gym in the last 18 months)


If there is to be free gym memberships (taxpayer funded) then it would be fair to let everyone have a slice of this money, the money should not go exclusively to the council run fitness facilities, otherwise their own facilities are gaining a financial advantage over private gyms.


Yes, the majority of the obese are likely to quit, but isn't that how gyms operate? the majority that don't attend pay their gym fees to help to fund the minority that do use the gym.


Yes the obese would quit if it was for a council gym, as they would fitness first, greens, virgin etc.......but if money if to be made available for free memberships then I think all gyms, council or private should be entitled to a slice of the pie/taxpayer cash.


Of course they paying gym members will be up in arms, but that is another debate


There are worse things happening in society, but the obese are a very easy target. I would prefer the authorities to turn there attentions elsewhere, The overweight are easy to chase, largely because they can't run very fast

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I personally don't believe that the councils are that bothered about the overweight getting fitter, I would imagine that a number of their own facilities are losing custom due to the recession (which also goes for private gyms, see the growth of the budget gym in the last 18 months)


If there is to be free gym memberships (taxpayer funded) then it would be fair to let everyone have a slice of this money, the money should not go exclusively to the council run fitness facilities, otherwise their own facilities are gaining a financial advantage over private gyms.


Yes, the majority of the obese are likely to quit, but isn't that how gyms operate? the majority that don't pay help to fund the minority that do use the gym.


Yes the obese would quit if it was for a council gym, as they would fitness first, greens, virgin etc.......but if money if to be made available for free memberships then I think all gyms, council or private should be entitled to a slice of the pie/taxpayer cash.


Of course they paying gym members will be up in arms, but that is another debate


There are worse things happening in society, but the obese are a very easy target. I would prefer the authorities to turn there attentions elsewhere, The overweight are easy to chase, largely because they can't run very fast


Do the trendy gyms want their precious regulars mixing with the obese?As I said they could offer FITNESS for FAT people at lower rates if they want to promote this aspect of their duties.

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local councils are, surely, only responsible for administering Housing Benefits and Council Tax Benefit, so I'm not sure how the withdrawal of those benefits can be forced onto the recipients for "not attending a gym".


eg. Mr E is a single father who receives housing benefit and council tax because he is in a low paid job. In between going to work and running his home/ looking after his young children, where does he find the time for attending the gym?

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local councils are, surely, only responsible for administering Housing Benefits and Council Tax Benefit, so I'm not sure how the withdrawal of those benefits can be forced onto the recipients for "not attending a gym".


eg. Mr E is a single father who receives housing benefit and council tax because he is in a low paid job. In between going to work and running his home/ looking after his young children, where does he find the time for attending the gym?


They will be allocating funds for the NHS soon,replacing PCTs in the interim.

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Do the trendy gyms want their precious regulars mixing with the obese?As I said they could offer FITNESS for FAT people at lower rates if they want to promote this aspect of their duties.




Like any business, I guess they want the money.


So the more that sign on the dotted line and give their bank details then the better.


TO be honest the obese are far more likely to quit, which means no wear and tear on machines, no demand for class etc.... the ones who turn up and use the place cause wear and tear on equipment, demand classes (which means an instructor is needed to take the class - more outgoings)


You probably find most gyms prefer the ones who pay for 12 months, but quit after 3 weeks

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