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Penistone rd roundabout


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Nor should drivers have to take massive ,un needed detours just to accommodate pedestrian crossings.

So you would rather wait in a longer queue then?


We need to encourage people to take up active travel. That won't be achieved unless they have convenient and safe places to cross busy roads.


If you put the crossing 200m away an barrier the footpath, people will just jump the barrier and there will most likely be collisions.


Crossings need to be on the pedestrian desire line.

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Pedestrians always want to cross right at busy junctions and roundabouts and the council facilitate this laziness buy giving them crossings there; Firth park and Brook Hill roundabouts are classic examples of this.


Nor should drivers have to take massive ,un needed detours just to accommodate pedestrian crossings.



Can I just get this clarified.


Thread about a roundabout being replaced with crossroads;


1. Motorists sat in cars in who will have to add an extra *possible* 5-20 seconds to their journey = hard done by

2. Pedestrians not wanting to have to take a 400yard, 60 second detour further up the road to cross = lazy?



I'm often a pedestrian. I make a point of trying to not disrupt traffic. If I approach pedestrian crossings I look to see if there is a gap I can make the crossing without having to press the button. Can't always be done and I'm not waiting all day but it's a little something. I also let large vehicles make turns etc where I think the difficulty of them stopping just for me outweighs my need to cross that exact second. It's just courtesy. It works for me and the drivers I come across. I often get the same courtesy returned from motorists.



Meanwhile...there's people like Penistone999 who's attitude is everybody out of my way - I'm a car driver and you're not allowed to want to cross the road here.


And HE accuses the council of being anti-car! Talk about one extreme to the other!

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I really don't get this stuff about a pedestrian crossing can't operate while traffic is turning left there (not least because 99% of the time, for the reasons we've already discussed, there wouldn't be anything turning left anyway). At the moment there's a zebra crossing very close to this roundabout by Law Brothers which operates quite happily as far as I can see, even though traffic can turn left from Penistone Road directly towards it - why not put a zebra crossing across Penistone Road there as well if you've got to have something, why does it always have to be yet another set of lights?

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I think the roundabout will be more efficient with lights but i dont think they should put a padrstrian crossing in there aswel

They aren't proposing to signalise the roundabout.


I reckon the roundabout would probably need to be bigger if i were to be signalised properly (ie signals on the roundabout at each entry), so the land-take would be greater and therefore the project would cost more.


As we see at Brook Hill, having signalised crossings at roundabouts can cause difficulties. So, replacing the roundabout with signals is probably the most compact adn economic way of dealing with the problem.

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How do the company(ies) that operate along the 'no-mans-land' stretch of the road feel about only being able to get to their premises from Penistone or Leppings Lane?


Some are rather big trucks that I would rather not have doing U turns around the area.


Also, why cut off the access next to Carphone Warehouse? Is this due to the increase in traffic along that stretch of road?

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Meanwhile...there's people like Penistone999 who's attitude is everybody out of my way - I'm a car driver and you're not allowed to want to cross the road here.


And HE accuses the council of being anti-car! Talk about one extreme to the other!


You can hardly accuse me of being Anti Car............... Anti Cyclist , Defiantly , but not anti car. There is no one more pro car than me.

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