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Guttering draining onto property

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We had a problem with our neighbors. The house is a semi and twice he replaced the wooden gutter 1 meter across our side having sawed 1 meter off our gutter, he then just put the ends together with no sealant so it leaked down our wall. He just laughed when I told him.He also capped our chimney off when we had a gas fire,nearly killing us both.He just said he thought everyone had central heating.He also built a wall which collapsed and destroyed our greenhouse, to which he replied,it wasn't much of a greenhouse anyway.

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it just collects off of the roof, goes into the gutter and then drains onto our grass through an open drain down pipe.


retep that article looks perfect, it states categorically that you cannot channel water off or roofs onto someone else's property. cheers.


Yep - your storm water drainage and down pipes will ot be sized to take the peak flow rates. Plus, you pay a proportion of your water bills to be connected to YW's storm water drainage system, so why should you pay for them?

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Where was building control when the house was built?


its an old house, its just his newer outhouses he's had built. Anyway they have allways been able to do more or less what they want with there house. A few years ago we applied for planning permission for a skylight, but were refused because of where our house is situated and it wouldn't be in-keeping with the area. Low and behold a year or so later they have about six in there roof.


My only concern is if i broach the subject and complain that they could just take the guttering away and just have the water flow off of the roof anyway.

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Get a couple of 40 gallon drums [free] connect them together with a small pipe[at the top]

Place them at the outflow of offending pipe and you have environmentally free water to water your Garden ,wash your car,and swill your paths.


No offence, but have you not looked outside for the past few weeks, not exactly a shortage of water at the moment.

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