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Able people on benefits should help improve community surroundings..

Should people on benefits help maintain community surroundings?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Should people on benefits help maintain community surroundings?

    • Yes with training and tools provided by the council
    • No
    • Maybe
    • No - but if enforced, I will start looking for employement.

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Yes it does cost- by the provision of clothing and equipment (or dose that some how become free in lala land?)

Yes they do loose - by having extra outgoings.


The saving which would be made because there would be fewer dependant people would cover the cost.


---------- Post added 05-01-2013 at 20:30 ----------


Back to that communist viewpoint I see.


Why do you think working is a communist viewpoint?

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But you were paying them the same a few posts back remember - JSA for 10 hours work. So how can there be no extra costs involved .


That’s right, but do you honestly think they will not take an available job if they have to work for benefits, there are thousands of jobs that no one wants because they can get more money for doing nothing, once they have to work for their money they will have an incentivise into taking these jobs. This will mean less dependency on the governments temporary jobs.


---------- Post added 05-01-2013 at 20:35 ----------


An answer to the question I asked you in post 111 please.


Its been answered many times over.

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That’s right, but do you honestly think they will not take an available job if they have to work for benefits, there are thousands of jobs that no one wants because they can get more money for doing nothing, once they have to work for their money they will have an incentivise into taking these jobs. This will mean less dependency on the governments temporary jobs.


---------- Post added 05-01-2013 at 20:35 ----------



Its been answered many times over.


I beg to differ!


Play games on your own now. I'm out! :gag:

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Well Cameron has done a brilliant job hasn't he, just what he wanted divide the people, if you don't work you are a scrounger. A lot of people believe it because if you tell them something often enough then they will start to believe it, and Cameron and his ministers mention it every chance they get.


Equally I could say the lefties have done a brilliant job influencing people to say things like this.


---------- Post added 05-01-2013 at 21:10 ----------


If the work needs doing then surely we should be paying people a wage to do it. So, if we do as you suggest we immediately have a cheap work force available for menial tasks. How long until we experience mission creep and these litter pickers are now cutting grass verges, or any number of other services the council should be providing anyway, and thus taking jobs from the market?




10 hours a week doing some kind of community work would work out at over £35/hour for someone on benefits (2 adults/2 children in social housing). Sounds reasonable to me.


Why does it have to be menial tasks too? Engineers/techies etc could help in schools - assisting in computer science (or whatever it's called today), Design and Tech or Physics subjects. I wish I'd had that at school instead of 1 teacher/30 children.

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Originally Posted by iansheff

Well Cameron has done a brilliant job hasn't he, just what he wanted divide the people, if you don't work you are a scrounger. A lot of people believe it because if you tell them something often enough then they will start to believe it, and Cameron and his ministers mention it every chance they get.


[quote=*_ash_* Equally I could say the lefties have done a brilliant job influencing people to say things like this.



Cameron et al are always coming out with it to keep it in peoples minds, divisive tactics at their best.

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Reprinted from the book of face and written with tongue embedded firmly into cheek.

I can well imagine a couple of contributors to this thread having written it for real.



Open letter to the PM:


Dear Wavey Davey,


Listen, don't worry one little bit about the Independent's article a few days ago about how you've been brainwashing voters. The brainwashed voters won't listen to sensationalistic rubbish like that when they have quality papers like the Daily Mail to back up their beliefs about the sick and the poor. In fact you should be congratulating yourself as what the poll proves is that the hate-mongering is working and that the public believes the myths of your spin doctors.


Besides which, the financial crisis really was the former government's fault. I'm still not quite sure how they managed to cause a global recession, but I'm sure that everything going on in Greece right now must have something to do with Tony Blair and all these bloody workshy scroungers who are bleeding us dry spending thousands and thousands of pounds of taxpayer's money on biscuits and Moet.


Just keep reminding everybody about the "recession" and everything will be fine darling.


Fancy a bourbon cream?


Love Katy.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 16:11 ----------


Some facts that will add to this debate!


Ian Duncan Smith said Labour spending was up 58%...

...but it was 8%.


He also said vast amounts of public money had been lost to fraud...

...but it was 0.7%.


He said tax credits rose by 20%...

...but it was 8.8%.


Next thing you know he'll be telling us welfare cuts are fair.


Err hang on...he already has!


As lying through his teeth goes he is a much a master as his leader and his Chancellor.

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Cameron et al are always coming out with it to keep it in peoples minds, divisive tactics at their best.


'Always coming out with it', what, you mean they are always telling us what they are doing? What would you prefer the governing party do, everything in behind closed doors? That worked well with the housing and bank crisis under the last lot didn't it?


They were always going to cut benefits. Where is the shock?


These discussions aren't a new thing either. A quick search finds this thread written 4 years before Tories got in. It's practically a cut n paste of this one. Another closed one was this a year later.

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