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Able people on benefits should help improve community surroundings..

Should people on benefits help maintain community surroundings?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Should people on benefits help maintain community surroundings?

    • Yes with training and tools provided by the council
    • No
    • Maybe
    • No - but if enforced, I will start looking for employement.

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Has anyone said rooting out the scroungers is going to make the economy magic and super? No. It's one of many avenues. But rooting out the scroungers needs to be done because it's right, you're throwing up a strawman that its an economic game changer, nobody is suggesting that.


I've been vociferous in the MP's expenses threads so you clearly have a short memory.


Get rid of the feckless idle isn't going to remotely solve all our problems but at a minimum it makes them a bit more manageable.


I would train these people to do simple tasks like clearing leaves ,mowing lawns,planting bulbs,trimming bushes with a view to their starting their own business,placing them with sympathetic entrepreneurs committed to reforming their ways.


---------- Post added 04-01-2013 at 21:03 ----------


This is not about scroungers! How many more times?

It has absolutely sweet fanny adams to do with scroungers. In the last 30 years of my life I have seen the working man lose most of the rights he fought for for 200 years or more slowly eroded and it is continuing apace under these aerosols (think that's how you spell it) in parliament and now I see the same working man turning on his fellow man because that man is jobless often through no fault of his/her own. Far more often than a scrounger scrounges.


If you have been vociferous on MP's expenses then I apologise unreservedly. :)


You have summed it up to a T,Swami.

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does anyone seriously think that bashing work shy scrounger and restriting universal benefits for everyone is going to get the huge deficit down??.

your all deluded... its so huge that from now until doomsday the billion here and a billion there will make little difference to the TRILLIONS that the government is in hock to. and in the mean time the richest people are getting tax cuts!!. and yet they still moan how the relief on their pensions is the straw that breaks the camels back. the rich will never leave the british isle, its too much of a gravy train for them. what with Cameron pandering to his loyal supporters..

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I would train these people to do simple tasks like clearing leaves ,mowing lawns,planting bulbs,trimming bushes with a view to their starting their own business,placing them with sympathetic entrepreneurs committed to reforming their ways.


---------- Post added 04-01-2013 at 21:03 ----------



You have summed it up to a T,Swami.


Re my bold.


:wow: Ooooh Matron!


---------- Post added 04-01-2013 at 21:12 ----------


If everybody showed community spirit and did those things it would save council money.


What about the people who have jobs doing that already? Paid jobs!

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If everybody showed community spirit and did those things it would save council money.


One of my neighbours is disabled, he can’t work, can barely talk or walk yet he goes out into the street and picks litter up and sweeps glass up, he was out clearing paths when it snowed, he’s happy to do it because it gives him something productive to do and gives him a sense of pride. There is no reason why the majority of people on benefits can’t do the same and they should be happy to do it.

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What is the view of members on able people who are claiming benefits and not working to help maintain the community surroundings such as?

Litter picking,

Removing Graffiti,

Clearing leaves,

Snow clearing etc.

Give me a shovel and pay me to shovel **** and I'll shovel ****. Where do I apply? The problem is not the unemployed not working, it's employers refusing to employ people. I've applied for 1180 jobs in the last 32 months. I'll do whatever anybody is willing to pay me to do.
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Swami, take a chill pill.

1) I am not going to quantify for you how many people I see taking the biscuit out of the social as you very well know there will thousands in the UK,

2) Go outside the job centre on Rockingham Street and the one at the back of Angel Street and you will see the point am making.

3) If you read my earlier post, I mentioned that I was made redundant as an Engineer from Corus Steel and rather than sign on, I took the first available job to get back into work. I go to the job centre 2-3 times a week to see if there are any jobs in the field that am qualified in rather than working in retail for the rest of my days.

4) I wouldn’t trust any politicians as far as I could throw them, no matter what party they are from as all they care about is votes and getting elected.

5) It’s an open debate, express your point without calling people names, getting angry and being assertive. Thank you.




So how many is too many then? How many have you seen?


And perhaps you may care to explain how you have seen anyone collecting money from a job centre?


How in hell's name do you know how many people are doing what you say when you visit a job centre? Are you psychic? Related to Mystic Meg perchance?

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That's not funny. I think if money can be saved in some parts of social, then maybe the pension age may decrease again, then again, pigs might fly.




but only 3% of the "social" budget goes to the unemployed - whereas over 50% of the budget is paid to pensioners - hence my question.

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