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Television Licence increase

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Perhaps because when the current "younger" generation reach that age there will be far too many of us for the same benefits to be available - drifting very off topic, but take a look at the way pensions are going. Anyone in their 20's or 30's who's relying on the state looking after them in 30 year's time is in for a bit of a shock.

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i really dont like how we are getting screwed by council tax and tv license fee

both go up year after year


i dont earn that much, minimum wage which barely goes up at all..........if it keeps going ill be in debt just cos those two have risen beyond belief yet my wages havent



and before somebody states the usual...........if you dont want to pay for a tv license dont have a tv, its not compulsary


yes it is almost these days...........after decades of tv use you get used to it, its educational and the news / weather comes in handy, only a handful of people these days dont use a tv


tbh i prefer adverts, i hate adverts but its a smaller price to pay than £130 a year and rising

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If you don't want to pay, yet don't fancy being locked up either, then invite an elderly relative to live with you.


Over 65s get a free licence :thumbsup:



i think it keeps going up because the bbc (or government) keep lowering the age for free licences,first it was 75 now 65 it will be 60 next,and all we get is repeats


I always thought over 75's got a free tv licence, not heard anything saying they've lowered the cut off age. TV Licensing web page still quotes over 75


"Once you reach the age of 75, you are entitled to apply for a free TV Licence. If you are over 74, you can apply for a Short Term Licence to cover you for the months up until you reach your 75th birthday, so you only have to pay for the cover you need"



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Just heard on the radio that the tv tax is going up yet again in April to £130.50. Opinions please or am I the only one spitting feathers:rant:



think the answer is in the statment " heard it on the radio"


BBC radio perhaps or news sourced by the BBC news team or even seen it on a BBC website.


the corporation provides TV Radio and interactive stuff for £130 a year (35 pence per day ) option one buy the Star same money, or produce your own tele and radio programmes ( cost you that for a blank c 60 cassette tape) ( anbody remember them)


cant say i like paying it like the road tax that i pay on both my vehicles and other cost but its part of life pay it or opt out, and hide in a hole in the ground with a terorist.

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think the answer is in the statment " heard it on the radio"


BBC radio perhaps or news sourced by the BBC news team or even seen it on a BBC website.


the corporation provides TV Radio and interactive stuff for £130 a year (35 pence per day )


That would be the radio that doesn't get you a fine, or the bbc website?


The interactive stuff would be the stuff you access via a PPV box (as freeview reception is crap) and pay through the nose for aswell. :rant:

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