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Television Licence increase

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quoted from bbc iplayer website

"It is a criminal offence to watch 'live' television without a TV licence or to possess or control a device which you know or reasonably believe will be used to watch 'live' TV without a TV licence. You could be prosecuted and fined up to £1000 (plus be ordered to pay legal costs) for these offences."




Indeed, thus if you don't use a device to watch live TV, you don't need a license for it.

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dont buy one and if the rest of the country did the same then something would be done about it .:hihi::hihi:

Haven't had a license since 2007. (No TV in case anyone is wondering.)


Don't miss it at all, especially as the target audience for most channels seems to be lobotomized retards.

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The TV license costs about £12.00 per month per household for that you get:


BBC Radio (local, National and International),


BBC Web sites


all these services provide


investigative journalism








I pay BT £12.00 a month just for a wire from home to the exchange



ITV is free to air but you pay in time for the TV Ads


Its reckoned the recent drama Downton Abbey had a programme / Ad ratio of 3:1.

That is; for every 3 minutes of programme there was 1 minute of Ad time,

surely they are taking the Arthur Bliss.


Not all the license fee goes to the BBC, a small percentage is pilfered to pay for

such things as rural broadband and digital switch-over.



Like it or not everyone takes content from the BBC. If you think your being ripped

off for your license fee, then you and your family should stop taking any BBC content

for a month: dont listen to BBC radio, dont watch BBC TV, dont access any BBC web pages.

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