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Former Scouts /Cubs/Beavers /Explorers from 79th Sheffield , Crookes

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I am the latest Group Scout Leader from 79th Sheffield (St. Timothy's) Scout Group on Slinn Street/Bradley Street in Crookes. We are trying to get things moving on a bit. We are keen to get in touch with former members and point you in the direction of the facebook site. The group will be 100 in a couple of years and we should mark this occasion. Dont know how yet, but we do it big!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, this is not a reply to your thread, but I am wondering - my son is 7 (going on 8 ) and is in the same friendship group - and school class (Westways School) as several of your current Beavers. However other commitments at present prevent him being able to join (if there were places available) the Beavers group on a Tuesday evening. Will this impede any future chances to join the subsequent scouting groups at St Timothy's? - as I have heard that you have to be a Beaver in order to become a Scout later on...?

Thanks, Ellie

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Hi, this is not a reply to your thread, but I am wondering - my son is 7 (going on 8 ) and is in the same friendship group - and school class (Westways School) as several of your current Beavers. However other commitments at present prevent him being able to join (if there were places available) the Beavers group on a Tuesday evening. Will this impede any future chances to join the subsequent scouting groups at St Timothy's? - as I have heard that you have to be a Beaver in order to become a Scout later on...?

Thanks, Ellie


What you have heard is incorrect


Subject to availability of space a child may join Scouting between the ages of 6 and 25.


However obviously the earlier a child joins the more they will get out of it. In each section they work towards badges and will achieve less in each section if they join late on. Also the programme is progressive and builds on earlier achievement. But this doesn't mean they cant reach the top award in each section.


The other limit is that Beavers are guaranteed a place in cubs at the age of 8.


when your child reaches 8 you may wish to put their name on the waiting list.


Details of how this works are described on our waiting list


http://www.79thsheffieldscouts.org.uk/ in the sections dropdown and option membership

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