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Remember the weather?


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There's a 'Whatever the Weather' event planned for the 6th March at Parson Cross Park this year by the Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust. My history group - Parson Cross Heritage Society has been invited along to take part and we've decided to have a 'Memory Cloud' activity. Anyone with a weather story can choose from either a cloud, a sun, a raindrop or a snowflake on which to write a weather memory. Then each memory will be numbered and entered into a raffle. Please feel free to pop along and enjoy the day's events 11-3pm

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Do you remember when we had snow as kids and we used to play out all day in it? It was often almost up to my knees and I'd end up going home almost frozen stiff. I remember my mum helping me to get my coat, gloves, wellies and socks off while I just sat in front of the fire. Then I'd thaw out with a nice hot cuppa before going out and doing it all again!!!!!!!!


Even today during bad weather conditions I enjoy having to go out in it and walk to the shops or somewhere just to enjoy the cosiness of home when I get back.


I love to watch the rain as it cascades down outside my window and watching it flow down the road carrying litter.................no I don't I'm just kidding about that bit.

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Originally posted by tiffy

Do you remember when we had snow as kids and we used to play out all day in it? It was often almost up to my knees and I'd end up going home almost frozen stiff. I remember my mum helping me to get my coat, gloves, wellies and socks off while I just sat in front of the fire. Then I'd thaw out with a nice hot cuppa before going out and doing it all again!!!!!!!!


Remember the Winter of Discontent - Jan/Feb 1979?


All the strikes, plus more snow than I ever remember, random days off school, no teachers even when you did go in... as a kid, it was absolutely brilliant!!

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I found this on http://www.booty.demon.co.uk/climate/1975_1999.htm


"1978/79 (Winter):

1. COLDEST WINTER since 1962/63. In the Shetlands coldest since at least 1901. Southampton has had its WETTEST winter since 1936/37.

2. WETTEST winter at Southampton since 1936/37.

3. Although the winter started mild & wet, SEVERE COLD set in around the end of December, 1978, and with FREQUENT SNOWFALLS, the extended winter (i.e. to at least March) was assessed as the 'SNOWIEST' since that of 1962/63 for much of England, Wales and Northern Ireland: for Scotland since 1969/70. From an article by Stephen Burt in 'Weather': ... "1978/79 would seem to bear comparision with other severe winters of the last 100 years" (written in October, 1980)."


I'm just trying to think back and remember all this - I would have been 17/18 at the time.

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I remember it very vividly - I was 11 at the time, and as I said earlier, it just seemed brilliant. Must have been a right pain if you were an adult - not just the weather, but all the random strikes and industrial unrest and stuff.


The first snowfall in Sheffield that winter was the first weekend after we went back to school in January. We built a brilliant igloo in the back garden, and every day in my little pocket diary (which, yes, I still have) I used to write "The igloo is still there." And this went on till the end of Feb at least!

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  • 3 weeks later...

The recent fall of snow certainly did it's job.


My daughter went to play in a local park after school on Friday after school and came back with stories of how the level of snow on the hill-sides came up to her waist and more!!!!!!


That's the same place I used to play as a kid and it brought everything back. We used to take our dog with us when we went out playing and in his efforts to keep up with us he'd jump like a spring bok to get through the snow - it was hilarious.


It was just like being in the swimming baths - performing flips and twists knowing you'd have a safe landing. Great fun until you had to walk home and started freezing up on the way home and your mum had to undress you cos you couldn't move.

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  • 7 years later...

Very cold winter of '63. Cup match at Bramall Lane was called off first Saturday in January, and eventually played on March 6th. Cleared pitch of snow half-a-dozen times but game was still called off. Blades won it 3-1 in the end, (against Bolton).

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