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Bdybuilding workout plan help..

Guest brownd95

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Guest brownd95

Hi All,


Been weight training now for a month and now looking to take things up a notch.


I want to structure a workout plan (( split))


Up until now I have been doing every possible weight lifting move I can think of during a workout.


1) 10 minutes warm up - jogging on spot and star jumps.

2) warm up bench press x 2 sets at light weight

3) 3 sets bench press

4) 3 sets upright chest press

5) upright rowing

6) curl bar bicep curls

7) individual bicep curls - dumbells

8) upright shoulder press - dumbells

9) dumbell extensions to each side


I have been doing this every other day. a rest day in between.


Been taking pre workout and protein which does give me a bit of a boost.


Has anyone got a good workout routine they recommend. Just want to workout to my max potential????????????????????????????????????



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IMO you would be better doing the


Chest day

Back day

Legs day (hell on earth)

Arms and shoulders


Plan. To build mass limit cardio, do a quick set of low weight high reps then go heavy with 8-10 reps over 4 sets. Then finish with a real heavy set that you can only do 5-6 of. Stretch to warm down

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As a beginner, it is best to focus on compound movements, e.g. bench press, dead lift, squats; rather than isolation exercises, e.g. lateral raises, leg extensions.


The Rippetoe program is a great place to start and there are lots of diaries online so you can look at how other people have faired with it.


Don't neglect the squat and deadlift. They are the cornerstones of all weight-lifting routines (provided they are performed correctly).


Good luck. (and take a look on the bodybuilding.com forum)

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As a beginner, it is best to focus on compound movements, e.g. bench press, dead lift, squats; rather than isolation exercises, e.g. lateral raises, leg extensions.


The Rippetoe program is a great place to start and there are lots of diaries online so you can look at how other people have faired with it.


Don't neglect the squat and deadlift. They are the cornerstones of all weight-lifting routines (provided they are performed correctly).


Good luck. (and take a look on the bodybuilding.com forum)


Absolutely agree with this, Squats and Dead Lifts are a must. If I get the time I will write you a routine, but you have to do Squats, even free standing with no weight is better than none.

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IMO you would be better doing the


Chest day

Back day

Legs day (hell on earth)

Arms and shoulders


Plan. To build mass limit cardio, do a quick set of low weight high reps then go heavy with 8-10 reps over 4 sets. Then finish with a real heavy set that you can only do 5-6 of. Stretch to warm down


If you were to miss the Chest Day for example, does the next session then become Chest Day or do you skip it entirely until the following week?

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Hi All,


Been weight training now for a month and now looking to take things up a notch.


I want to structure a workout plan (( split))


Up until now I have been doing every possible weight lifting move I can think of during a workout.


1) 10 minutes warm up - jogging on spot and star jumps.

2) warm up bench press x 2 sets at light weight

3) 3 sets bench press

4) 3 sets upright chest press

5) upright rowing

6) curl bar bicep curls

7) individual bicep curls - dumbells

8) upright shoulder press - dumbells

9) dumbell extensions to each side


I have been doing this every other day. a rest day in between.


Been taking pre workout and protein which does give me a bit of a boost.


Has anyone got a good workout routine they recommend. Just want to workout to my max potential????????????????????????????????????




A couple of things I notice about your routine:


1) You have a lot of chest work, but it's mostly the same thing (different variations of chest press). For chest do the basic compound chest press and then some other exercises like flys etc.


2) A warm up set is perfectly ok, but there's no need to do another 2 sets at light weight. You won't really be achieving much yet you'll be tiring yourself out which will adversely affect your major lift. Put the light set at the other end of the exercise in the form of a drop set.


3) Your workout is not balanced enough. You have loads of chest work, one direct back exercise and no legs. You may not worry too much about your legs but there is some evidence that working them releases growth hormone which will help the rest of your workouts over time. Besides, you'll look a bit silly with a huge upper body and chicken legs.


4) You're missing some really important exercises. No workout is complete without deadlifting and squats. If you're in a gym which can't accommodate these then move.


5) You have two direct bicep exercises and no triceps. The tricep is the bigger muscle. If you were going to pay more attention to one than the other it should be the tris.


6) Take a look at how many bodybuilders in your gym are jogging on the spot and doing star jumps. Maybe some light stretching can help if you're just starting though.


If you're serious about this you also need to get your diet in check. Simply taking a pre and a protein shake won't suffice. You need to work out exactly how much protein/carb/fat your body needs.


Go to bodybuilding.com and check out some of the beginner splits like SS or others which get good reviews for people at your current level. Good luck and don't give up.

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