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Parking ticket from Meadowhall


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Eckolad even pays for hosting a website about it.


And I bet there are people who are very grateful for him doing so. Everytime someone reads it and decides to follow his advice - there is less money going to the Private Parking Company.


And even more if they tell all their friends not to pay.

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We parked in one of those stupid parents with kids or whatever they call it bays, when we could find no spaces in the disabled section. The abuse we received from a bloke in a car with a youngster in the back was appalling. His child could have walked further than my 99 year old mother, but he was so aggressive my husband did move our car then had to go fetch it when we came out. The world is going mad !! Wish I had known that we couldn't be fined.


Look at it this way,its better than a parent rubbing their car door down the side of your car while they struggle to get a child strapped up in the childs seat.Im glad they have those bays it saves the paint work on my car.

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So what makes you think that she will have passed the petrol station or toysrus before meadowhall? You are right that the parking spaces are nearer to the store at toysrus but which petrol stations have public toilets for future reference?


My argument was more against people being unfairly harsh on the op for her friend parking in a disabled bay when she is currently struggling to walk a long distance and it was an emergency due to her friend needing the toilet desperately. I don't condone people parking in disabled spaces generally as I think it is selfish if you don't need them but there are exceptionally circumstances that make it ok.


Nobody believes you!

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Nobody believes you!


Im afraid I believe it. If you have a genuine need to use one, go ahead and use it. Unless you are a "disabled Car-Space checker" who works for MI5, and have the power and authority to shoot-to-kill non badge holders, then the best thing do-gooders or reporters can do is keep their bloody noses out.

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Do you also remember sharing a tin bath with 20 siblings and being head to foot with them in bed? Also walking to school up hill both ways.


I do actually ! Don't know you're born these days ! Mind you, having a bath in the middle of winter in front of a blazing fire is hard to beat.


---------- Post added 07-01-2013 at 21:24 ----------


very good friend of mine drops her friend (the badge holder) off at the door then goes and parks in a disabled space - whats your thoughts on that?


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 17:22 ----------



what, all your shopping, including groceries?


Yep and the pram ! Not quite ALL the groceries though.

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There are plenty of parking spaces in Meadowhall and absolutely no reason at all for you to park in a designated disabled parking space.


In fact, I can guarantee to find a vacant parking space that will be closer to the entrance to Meadowhall than 50 percent of the disabled places, even at the busiest times.



That's very true .. We went one time and it was nearer to park NOT in a disabled parking space.

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I agree, and the moral rules forbid me from parking in a disabled space, ever, even at 3am in a deserted car park.


I would soil myself before taking a disabled space up


Oh please! Get a grip it was 5mins why on earth would my pregnant friend soil herself over a parking space for 5 min? U do-gooders really make me laugh sometimes.

She ddnt need a wee! For those that need the finer details. She was unwell as i stated in the beginning and i went with her to offer support.i wouldnt leave my dizzy sick friend to go it alone over a parking space.my morals support friends over parking space rules. Sorry if that seems wrong to certain ppl!

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