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Parking ticket from Meadowhall


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Thanks, I will appeal the fine then and copy Meadowhall management in? My photos are very clear and you cannot see the yellow markings.


I doubt the parking management company will even read your letter, but it will reveal to them you are concerned regarding the invoice. I bet they have a flow chart on sending letters out, you will now go down the "concerned" flow.


As for Meadowhall management, I doubt they would even be bothered. When I went through this crap with Excel/Mothercare years ago, a Senior manager at Mothercare didn't care that we had brought £600+ worth of baby stuff, my wife was pregnant, this was causing her stress and we would return the goods if we had to pay the ticket. Funny enough when the Sheffield Star took up our story, the ticket was cancelled/paid by mothercare (not sure which one, or care) and all sorted. The advice from the Sheffield Star expert was ignore the ticket.



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Originally Posted by BarryRiley


On a 30 page discussion, don't just read post 1 then comment


Where's that forum rule then? that you have to read the entire thread (some of which - the super threads - are ridiculously long) before being allowed to make a post.


The original post had already been replied to and discussed over several pages. The issue which was being discussed in the posts since was totally different and had presumably been tagged on to the original topic simply because it was of a similar subject. It's not a forum rule that you have to read through topics but it ensures that the post you're replying to isn't long dead, and your post totally pointless.


It's like when someone new posts about a gym in Sheffield. They tag the post on to one which is 5 years old to save starting a new one and then proceed to get tens of posts replying to the original 5 year old one.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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. Funny enough when the Sheffield Star took up our story, the ticket was cancelled/paid by mothercare (not sure which one, or care) and all sorted. The advice from the Sheffield Star expert was ignore the ticket.




Good advice ,and the correct advice.

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