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The Daily Mail's agenda against Jack Whitehall

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Also who cares what's in the Daily Mail? If you hate what they write why read it for goodness sake? What is about some people they will deliberately read and watch things they don't like just so they can moan about them.


Totally agree with that comment, dictating to the public what newspaper they shouldn't be reading,is quite likely to increase readership of the Daily Mail.

Its surprising how many of a newspapers most severest critics are the ones who always seem to be the ones most familiar with its contents.

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Alternatively i expect Jack Whitehall and Jimmy Carr and Co will be delighted with the publicity the paper has given them,it won't damage their careers.No doubt bookings to see them on stage will increase massively as a result.

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HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!!! The Daily Mail doesn't approve of a comedian. Oh My God!!! If only refugees and famine victims realised that there are real people out there with real problems, like the hard pressed curtain twitching bigots of middlle England, who are forced to suffer minor irritation by the existence of TV comedians of whom they don't approve.


If it weren't for the Mail's dilligent campaigning journalism, the airwaves would be alive with gypsy comedians and asylum seeking entertainers and - worst of all - liberal toffs who won't adhere to the stereotypes they are expected to by those broad minded Mail journaists. Thank God some newspapers aren't snobbish!


I wish there was a 'thanks' button. spot on.

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