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More job cuts Sheffield Council 2013/2014

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In the main, they relieve the council of the expense of retaining highly skilled people, just in case they need them. Just like most private companies.


My experience of consultants in the private sector was that "highly skilled people" did not come into it. Expensive people, yes, but not highly skilled. In every situation I've seen consultants hired the reason was always the same, a decision had to be made that had the potential to go wrong. The relevant director should be competent to make that decision, and in some cases I thought that they were. However it's safer to hire a consultant, spend a few hundred grand on them evaluating and pontificating, then go with whatever they pick as a best option. The consultant gets their cash and doesn't care if their advice was right or wrong as it makes no odds to them. If the advice turns out to be dross, as it often did, then as far as the rest of the board are concerned it's the consultants fault and the relevant director can blame them rather than take the fall.


The whole consultancy gig is based on using shareholders money to avoid executive responsibility or in the case of the council, taxpayers money.

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If we make people redundant we take away their spending power. If we take away their spending power they cannot buy their new car, or new telly, or pay someone to decorate their house. The econony goes back into recession. This is actually what has happened. The tory bankers got us into recession and now the tory politicians are ensuring that we stay there because they like it that way.

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In the main, they relieve the council of the expense of retaining highly skilled people, just in case they need them. Just like most private companies.



As I said though I'm curious to know when the council paid for a consultant and what it was for. I've been to one or two meetings where consultants have been involved and although they might of had a greater knowledge of a subject they weren't essential in my opinion to being able to understand the subject

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What is a record? :huh:

Are you crazy man?


"The Record" in this case is your record of posting exactly the same guff, week after week, month after month, with a new username every other week.


Why? What was wrong Mr.Soft, Thistledoo and all the rest?

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As I said though I'm curious to know when the council paid for a consultant and what it was for. I've been to one or two meetings where consultants have been involved and although they might of had a greater knowledge of a subject they weren't essential in my opinion to being able to understand the subject


I think Scott Adams nailed it years ago with a strip with Dogbert becoming a consultant.


"I like to con people and I like to insult people. Put them together - Consult!"

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In the main, they relieve the council of the expense of retaining highly skilled people, just in case they need them. Just like most private companies.


But if theirs fees are higher than the salary of a council employee who would have the same expertise , then that is waste pure and simple.

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