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Park Hotel Hillsbro

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Park Hotel Wadsley Lane, 1946-onwards. was owned by Mr Clem Bunting,I lived there with my mum & dad in a flat on the top floor , mum was housekeeper and barmaid . In those days the pub had a lounge,tap room,smoke room ,snug, bagatel room and a large circular bar. one the upper floor it had 2 match play snooker rooms 1 with 2 fullsize tables the other was championship games.outside were several coaching houses, and what is now the car park was a crown bowling green, i used to get told off for playing football on it .does any one remember the brass Mr Punch gas cig lighter used to be on the bar . great days

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My Father took over the tenancy fr

om Clem Bunting in 1954, when I was 7.

The flat where you lived remained empty throughout all the years we were there.

The pub was knocked through to create 2 large rooms, it lost it's character and atmosphere. A new toilet block was built on the side.

The snooker tables were taken out, no one wanted them so they went to the tip.

We lived there for 15 years, lots of memories some good some not so.

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Hi diksey,your dad would have been Tom dikens and Norma then,I used to go in there with my father in law through the sixties and seventies and knew quite a lot of the customers.On Sunday nights a group of us would gather in the lounge and sing Sinatra songs we were called the London club.

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