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Land tax is required to save society from collapse!

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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International Monetary Fund and the Institute for Fiscal Studies have in the past couple of years concluded that only an annual tax on land can end the obsession with property. Once landowners face a tax, they will free up land they are sitting on, rather than wait for a rising market to make a killing.


Only a land tax can save us. It's like we're playing monopoly and the winner is declared, whilst more and more people are joining the game, unable to access land for either shelter or productive business.


We have a society being divided into a small class of rentier parasites and a large group of serfs/slaves whom the former live off of.


The latest Halifax survey of homeowners shows they remain optimistic about the value of their assets, with a majority expecting prices to rise in 2013.


Why, when the UK economy is in a dreadful state, with its core lending banks strapped for cash, would anyone in their right mind think property prices could rise? But as Fred Harrison, research director of the London-based Land Research Trust, points out in his new book, The Traumatised Society, rent-seeking by a wealthy class of people hooked on accumulating even greater wealth is the cancer that has brought down many more civilisations than the present one.


Free-market thinkers understand that the accumulation of property wealth by a wealthy middle class and corporate sector and placing a sky-high charge on it – either to rent or buy – will undermine the capitalism they seek to promote. It undermines the incentive for work and, more importantly, the incentive to innovate, both for themselves and the people who must commit a large part of their meagre income to paying the rent (or mortgage).


If we don't start taxing land, and discouraging the down right dangerous, and pointless speculation upon land at the expense of everyone else in our societies, then our societies will soon fall.


A man alive today in this country should be able to access land for housing and business. He must be free to create housing and business.


A child born today should be able to access land for housing and business when it comes of age.


And any individual born in the future, or one whom comes here, should have the same chances.


If they do not, then society will soon turn to violence and society as we know it shall end violently.

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So land for anything will attract land tax, food prices will go up, rents will go up, housing more expensive, more homelessness.


Great idea.


How did you work that out? If land that was under utilised was sold because the owners didnt want to pay the tax, how does food & rents go up?

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I think im one of the "Rentier parasites" Chemist is refering too.


Im one of those terrible, vile, Buy to Let Landlords he so despises. :hihi::hihi:


It's not funny my friend, the likes of you are destroying society.


Your robbing the common man, and stopping GOOD MEN from starting businesses. Your holding back progress for your own personal gain.


If you were to build property for rent it might be different. Repairing some properties might be productive in many respects, but when the majority of your business is based upon restricting access to and profiting from land, then you do nothing society.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 22:38 ----------


So land for anything will attract land tax, food prices will go up, rents will go up, housing more expensive, more homelessness.


Great idea.


Tax land and you will bring prices down!


Of food, of housing, of business.


Because people would be able to use land productively. Only the most productive would use it. Currently we pay people to own land, and they leave it idle. We should tax them, force them to give up the land, or at least use it productively so that they can pay the tax.


The middleman whom has inherited or speculated will be rendered useless. The true wealth creators would pay land tax unto the whole of society instead of artificial rents unto private owners of land.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 22:41 ----------


The population is ever increasing. The land-space is not. How is that equation ever going to work?


With a land tax!


If everybody owned an acre, and then the population doubled. Then half of the people would have an acre each, and the other half would effectively be a pool of slave labour for the landowning class.


We need a land tax to ensure land is shared fairly and used productively.


We can have a progressive land tax. Enough space for a dwelling for all, TAX FREE. And taxes upon the hoarders of land.


And we can even protect the environment at the same time. With taxes so high, that nobody could pay them. So that the land remains idle and is left to nature, without anybody profiting, bar nature itself.

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It's not funny my friend, the likes of you are destroying society.


Your robbing the common man, and stopping GOOD MEN from starting businesses. Your holding back progress for your own personal gain.


If you were to build property for rent it might be different. Repairing some properties might be productive in many respects, but when the majority of your business is based upon restricting access to and profiting from land, then you do nothing society.


Can you explain how my student Let Properties are stopping someone from starting a business. ?

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Can you explain how my student Let Properties are stopping someone from starting a business. ?


Your rents are above what they would be naturally if men were free to build.


Moneys which could be otherwise invested into productive endeavor are thus swallowed up by parasitical rentiership.


Business cannot be started, because the rent unto the private landonwers must be paid. And society as a whole is poorer (although the landlords are relatively richer).

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i am allowing a nice young couple to live in a suburban estate in a house they could never afford to get a mortage on.


tell me how I am destroying society as well. the couple get to live somewhere they want to live at around half the monthly outgoing of taking on a mortage (even if they could get one with their financial history)


i am also contributing to business as well by allowing them to conduct a business from my premise.


---------- Post added 06-01-2013 at 23:06 ----------



do you work? have a job? contribute?

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You mention starting a business. Well, i started my business from nothing and ive built it into what i have today ,and ive worked hard for what ive got. Yes, i now have a good standard of living, a lovely Barn Conversion in the countryside, a nice motor and money in the bank ,but ive earned every penny by building a business.


You also said rents are too high. Well last time i looked , every room in every one of my Student Lets is rented ,so obviously rents are affordable , which im sure will make you happy ,as you campaign for affordable housing. Would you prefer it if i returned all my properties to family homes and rented them out for next to nothing ,and put myself out of business. ?

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