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Does Anyone Remember Any Teachers From King Eggies?

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'Spitfire' White, how could we forget.


Also, Spud Murphy (Physics) and Mr Foster (Economics)


What was the name of the Chemistry teacher who punctuated his sentances with "Bop-bop-bop" ("Hey you boy, bop-bop-bop, where do you think you're going? Bop-bop-bop")?

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  • 15 years later...

Sorry to wake up an old thread but there we are.  Student 83-90 at the Dore Bullying Academy.


I've been dining out on the horror stories from attending this school for the last 30 years.  I'm surprised SSC hasn't been bankrupted by legal cases brought by ex pupils:  the amount of bullying was incredible and relentless.


My thoughts:


Frank Abel (Headteacher): not a fan of competition which wasn't great preparation for exams. Or sports. Or anything the real world had in store, really.


Iain Johnston : good bloke.  He could never understand why 15 year olds on skiing trips were so keen to find "vino collapso"


John Mee - Taught top set maths. Dour but fair, which is as much as you could hope for at KES in the 80s


Tom Smiles - AKA "the Street Fighter". The doyen of punishments out of all proportion to the crime.  I was really not keen in this man.


Ted Croot - head of 6th form in my day and a lovely, gentle man.


John Wade -  An excellent teacher. It beggars belief that KES in the 80s had  a teacher that could cover not only Latin but also Ancient Greek.  Unsurprisingly, I heard he ended up teaching at the university.  However, if you want to find yourself on the top bully hit list, may I suggest Greek twice a week at lunchtime? You do have to have a taste for the sharp left overs of chips and bean juice, that being all that was left for dinner when you got out. 


Mr Spiers - AKA "Attend to me". Not a fan.


Mr Agar - my ears are still ringing from being hit around the head with no warning from behind by this bloke.  The best argument man has developed for dropping geography


Mr Marsh - energetic and inspiring (but unpredictable) teacher... who had a "colouring" group.


Mrs Elif - recurrent supply teacher. The less said here the better. 


Mrs Ferdinand - head of 6th after Mr Croot. 6/10.


Mr White - he was OK.


Mr Thompson - nice man. Misspelled "Acquired" (missed out the C) in his AIDS assembly but copped the correction in front of the year with grace, which is the mark of someone comfortable in his skin


Mr Rouse -a pupil once burped in his face by accident (long story) and he just said "Charming" and walked off, which I thought was the perfect response (the perpetrator  looked scared as).  Mr Smiles would undoubtedly broken them on the wheel for this then knocked on their door 25 years later to ensure the slaughter of their firstborn.


Mr Waller - another good one. I occasionally look up the poem Timothy Winters and remember how well he put it across.  Here it is, have a look: https://poetryarchive.org/poem/timothy-winters/


Mrs Carlson - 2IC in my day. 


Mrs Neal - no thank you. 


Well, there you go.

Edited by Lionel Richtea
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