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Benefits capped but benefit bill set to rise over next three years!

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Pensions have never been higher in real terms. And nearly half of the welfare bill IS pensions.


Because the problem is PENSIONS, and pensions are being forced to rise.


NI should be directly linked to pensions, so if they want pensions to rise by 2.5%, NI would have to go up, not general taxation.

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NI should be directly linked to pensions, so if they want pensions to rise by 2.5%, NI would have to go up, not general taxation.


That seems like a fairer way of doing things, but surely the NI should be raised some 40 or so years before the pension is raised.

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I am also glad its being capped. I agree Child Benefit only given to those in dire need, those who have never worked and refuse to work and have contributed nothing towards society should be left to their own devices if you have never contributed and paid in it's my view that why should you feel that you are entitled to take anything out the pot? it's also my belief that if you want to take out you firstly have to had paid in. If you are in a situation where you have no choice but to claim for example a woman or man who has been left by a partner then it cannot be helped but there are many in society who just feel they are owed a living it is those people who have countless Children whilst on benefits and do nothing to improve their situation who I want to see punished not the genuine claimants in society.


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 19:58 ----------


I found myself without a Job some years ago, I had worked previously and only claimed once years before and only had one amount of the JSA. I was always upset and distressed by the way the DWP treat claimants and it always seems to be the genuine claimants who are treated unfairly its my view that the DWP bend over backwards to assist alcoholics, immigrants and those with ''back'' and ''mental health'' problems, young parents with 2 or more Children many of whom don't want to and have never worked.


I was eligible to claim and the DWP said I could claim JSA and my claim was put in, in September 2009 I did not receive a penny until March 2010. I was claiming until July 2010 and then I was cut off as apparently I had only paid six months National Insurance yet I had worked since leaving School in 2001. I was paying Tax & NI in the last Job I had before I lost my Job dependent on the hours I worked and the same in my previous Job before this as my contracted hours in both Jobs were only 20 hours. I had Jobs previous to this where I worked 37.5 up to 40 hours a week so must have paid Tax and NI in these Jobs why does the system not take into consideration all the Tax & NI paid not just for a certain period? as they would only pay me JSA based on a six month period that I had worked. How does this make for a fair and justified system when claimants are being paid benefits who one have either never worked and paid in and receive more than those working do?. Two they are immigrants and so have never paid into the system full stop or three are claiming for ''mental health'' issues or ''back problems'' neither of which can be proven so the claimants fall through the cracks in the system and can carry on claiming because of stupid loop holes such as this within the system.


---------- Post added 13-10-2014 at 20:03 ----------


I have written many letters of formal complaint regarding the system to various people. I also disagree with the treatment I received when visiting my local Jobcentre as well I have lost count of the amount times I have complained about the DWP, the system and the Government. I also went as far as the Tribunal with my appeal that I was cut off after six months and aired my views about this to the Tribunal Judge who was a useless, vile stuffy Woman who did not care about my individual circumstances and was not willing to listen and take my opinions and views in account. This annoyed me greatly as surely that is what a Tribunal is for? I wrote to the Appeals Court in London as I was outraged and disgusted. This is an issue I feel strongly about and wish I could change this for the better to give back the Tax payers money to those and only those deserving of it.

Edited by DaisyDuke84
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Chem1st do you know what the irony is in all of this? The people that are affected by what you describe,and many of those have have been booted off the sick etc, they will be voting in May for the party that has implemented it! :loopy:

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Chem1st do you know what the irony is in all of this? The people that are affected by what you describe,and many of those have have been booted off the sick etc, they will be voting in May for the party that has implemented it! :loopy:


Mental isn't it.


I've seen people on large tax credit claims who had previously been unemployed for many years slate people on benefits and cheer on the cuts, spout some right venom. Not realising their benefits were going to be cut too. Really thought tax credits were the tax back??? :|

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I would also like to see changes to the Tax Credit System. Personally its a disgrace and how they judge who will receive what is a complete and utter joke. I am sorry but if you have two incomes regardless of if you have Children why do you need to be given Child Tax Credit as well? surely if you have two incomes in your household you cannot be poor. Isn't it personal preference having a Child? nobody asks people to become parents so why do people feel they should be paid Tax Credits for this? moreover there are people who successfully claim Child Tax Credits who have paid little or nothing into the system why again should they be eligible to claim just on the fact that they have a Child?. To claim Working Tax Credit you have to have previously worked and paid in don't you? the same rules should apply with Child Tax Credit you should only be allowed to claim if you have paid in.


We were claiming Working Tax Credit in 2011 and had nothing but problems with the idiots at the HMRC. We filled out the form to the best of our knowledge and honestly we were just grateful to be getting any help due to my complaints about the Government in my previous post. We were waiting a number of weeks and received a letter informing us that we would receive £9.00 a week that would work out at £36.00 a month. We were claiming this for 12 months and had, had a total of £420.00 when we received a letter from the HMRC telling us that we had deceived them out of the Tax Credits as we did not inform them of a change in my partners income. He had been earning the same amount all the time we had been claiming and if it had changed we would have informed them apparently my partner earned £21,000 and we did not inform them of this. He was earning £16,000 at the time so where they got that amount from I do not know he has never earned £21,000. The content of the letter claimed and I am quoting ''we had deceived the HMRC out the amount and they were sending Bailiffs to our address if we did not pay the amount''.


Furious I rang them and spoke to a complete and utter cretin who I explained our situation to she did not seem to care and said I needed to pay the amount. I said ''no we are not paying anything until you send us something to prove that what you are saying is correct''. I then went on to say they would not send a nasty letter like that to a Mother with a Child and why should we be sent such a vile letter and that I had a theory that the HMRC were too busy paying out too many Tax Credits to Mothers who were unemployed or that worked part time and needing a Tax top up they had given out more than they had so needed to balance their books so they try to claw back some of the Tax they had willfully given out by sending hard earned Tax payers nasty letters. I asked her how would you feel if you opened a letter and read that you had to pay back £420.00 in Tax Credits you were rightfully entitled to claim given that we had one income in our household we had to live on?. I lost my temper and shouted at them as I was utterly disgusted by their behaviour and I stated that blackmailing to exhort funds was against the Law and they were acting like a criminally organised racquet not a Government Organisation. I went onto say that do you think we have £420.00 to give you just like that? if we did do you honestly think that we would claiming any kind of Tax Credits?. My partners parents paid the amount I was reluctant to let them until we had figured out who was in the wrong it was the HMRC to this day I know that needless to say I would never ever trust them again as an honest Tax payer in society I was utterly disgusted and appalled at being treated like a common criminal when I was just trying to claim help I was rightfully entitled to in the first place.

Edited by DaisyDuke84
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