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Should margarine be banned?

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Vegetable Oils (Seed Oils 85%), Water, Salt (1.4%), Buttermilk, Emulsifier: Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids, Preservative: Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Flavouring, Colour: Beta-Carotene, Folic Acid, Vitamins A, D and B12.


What particularly concerns you about this list I1L2T3?


It was put together in a lab. I already explained.

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It was put together in a lab. I already explained.


Ever seen commercial butter production?


Just becasue it's made in an industrial process, (it's not made in a lab) doesn't automatically mean it's bad.


Or do you not pasteurise your milk? That's done to all milk and was put together in a lab...

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Ever seen commercial butter production?


Just becasue it's made in an industrial process, (it's not made in a lab) doesn't automatically mean it's bad.


Or do you not pasteurise your milk? That's done to all milk and was put together in a lab...


It is bad. It's chemically altered crap.


Pasteurisation may have been perfected in a lab a long time ago. That's quite a different thing to having scientists in labs making fake food.


As for butter - get the milk from the cow, separate the cream, agitate it, maybe add a little salt. Job done. If we want to buy it commercially we have to accept that the handle on the machine isn't going to be turned by a sexy milk maid


Buy butter.

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It is bad.


Could you quantify that? Worse than butter? Worse than olive oil?


It's chemically altered crap.


Pasteurisation may have been perfected in a lab a long time ago. That's quite a different thing to having scientists in labs making fake food.


And margerine is in no way making fake food.


As for butter - get the milk from the cow, separate the cream,


Chemically altered.


agitate it,


Chemically altered again


maybe add a little salt.


Chemically altered yet again


Job done


But it's not "chemically altered crap?"


Or just worried and reactaionary about things you dont understand.


Almost all of the nitrogen in your DNA is from that Haber process - but for some reason the interpretation of a messy bit of biology in the food chain makes it ok..?


If we want to buy it commercially we have to accept that the handle on the machine isn't going to be turned by a sexy milk maid


Buy butter.


Why? Margerine is much more rigourously controlled and much less likely to have nasty bacteria in it.

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Contrary to that wikipedia says that many vegetable oils can be extracted mechanically.


That article is full of FUD frankly. If there's any scientific evidence to suggest that margarine is harmful then I'd be interested in seeing it.


For the record, I eat both margarine and butter, depending on how I feel at the time.


The medical profession demonised butter over the past few decades, and encouraged people to switch over to margarine, on the grounds that butter was high in saturated fats.


That was unfortunate, as margarine was high in 'trans fats', which we now know are deadly and directly responsible for, initially, 20,000 american deaths/year, and now considered to be more like 80,000 American deaths.




Denmark, Iceland and Sweden have banned trans fats in food and similar bans are being initiated in several other countries.


Worldwide, extrapolating from American statisitcis, hundreds of thousands of people have died from heart attacks and strokes as a direct result of following medical advice to eat margarine containing trans fats.


As a result, margarine companies are altering recipes so that, these days, margarine may have lower levels of trans fats: it remains the case though, that margarine is an industrial product which requires chemical de-oderising additives to be remotely palatable- without them, the vile taste would make it unsellable.

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The key word in your last post is "WAS".


Are we talking about banning margarine for what it USED to contain?


Trans fats are bad, nobody disagrees with this. (Although I suspect that 90% of the people worried about margarine here don't know what a trans fat is).


---------- Post added 10-06-2014 at 07:33 ----------


It was put together in a lab. I already explained.


You didn't explain. You just said "FUD, FUD, FUD".

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The medical profession demonised butter over the past few decades, and encouraged people to switch over to margarine, on the grounds that butter was high in saturated fats.


That was unfortunate, as margarine was high in 'trans fats', which we now know are deadly and directly responsible for, initially, 20,000 american deaths/year, and now considered to be more like 80,000 American deaths.




Denmark, Iceland and Sweden have banned trans fats in food and similar bans are being initiated in several other countries.


Worldwide, extrapolating from American statisitcis, hundreds of thousands of people have died from heart attacks and strokes as a direct result of following medical advice to eat margarine containing trans fats.


As a result, margarine companies are altering recipes so that, these days, margarine may have lower levels of trans fats: it remains the case though, that margarine is an industrial product which requires chemical de-oderising additives to be remotely palatable- without them, the vile taste would make it unsellable.


How do you know that?

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