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Will government U-turns suddenly disappear?

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We all know about the poor effort the other day about the government trying to convince themselves and the public that they are doing a good job but it seems that even more "Convincing" is on the horizon. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-20954785. I think they will use this to paint a more rosier picture than things actually are. You can see it coming a mile off; I'm not sure who they are trying to kid most.

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We all know about the poor effort the other day about the government trying to convince themselves and the public that they are doing a good job but it seems that even more "Convincing" is on the horizon. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-20954785. I think they will use this to paint a more rosier picture than things actually are. You can see it coming a mile off; I'm not sure who they are trying to kid most.


For the most I tend to ignore them. Many people don't trust their own family let alone a politician.

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U turns are so common because Governments decide to make policies without doing any proper research into what effect it will have.

All governments are guilty of this. It would be gross misconduct if people in other spheres of work decided to make such changes without solid evidence and only their own predudice.


In my view this is just another indication how poorly suited to office, modern politicians are, without any background in research, statistics or economics.

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When Labour were in power, how many times did they do a "u" turn due to public pressure?


Well at least it shows it was a goverment who admitted to their mistakes and herd the public not like this arrogant posh lot who don't listen and have nothing in common with the working man.

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Well at least it shows it was a goverment who admitted to their mistakes and herd the public not like this arrogant posh lot who don't listen and have nothing in common with the working man.


It took two years for Labour to admit their failures and mistakes about austerity measures.


Labour never backed down or apologised over the controversial ID cards fiasco either.

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It took two years for Labour to admit their failures and mistakes about austerity measures.


Labour never backed down or apologised over the controversial ID cards fiasco either.


Actually the ID card system was a good idea, it would have help sorted out some of the probs we have today, ie,, it would have been a great asset towards stop and search and benefit fraud.

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