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CEX in town - problem

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Long story short, I am unhappy with a play station game I bought yesterday, took it back today and I was refused a full refund, I was only offered my money back in CEX vouchers which I don't want.


Am I entitled I a full refund in cash?

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What does their policy state? Also why are you unhappy with the item? If it is faulty you have legal rights to a refund. If not there's not much you can do.


Basically I bought FIFA 13

To get online you have to enter a code called an online pass to be able to play online with the game, because it is second hand the code has already been used and I can't access online play because of this, when I bought the game I had no warning about the code already being used.

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Basically I bought FIFA 13

To get online you have to enter a code called an online pass to be able to play online with the game, because it is second hand the code has already been used and I can't access online play because of this, when I bought the game I had no warning about the code already being used.


Then under the sale of goods act, its not fit for purpose, go back and raise some hell, maybe ring trading standards first...its probably one of those many 'grey areas' good luck

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Basically I bought FIFA 13

To get online you have to enter a code called an online pass to be able to play online with the game, because it is second hand the code has already been used and I can't access online play because of this, when I bought the game I had no warning about the code already being used.


No game company will warn you. CEX have no need to refund. If you want the code, chances are you can buy it off PSN and XBLA and chances are you might as well have got a new one. It's just the same if you bought a 2nd hand limited edition game with codes, you surely wouldn't expect them to come with it? Not many people will buy a new game and not use the codes. I've never seen a sticker on any games in any of the game retail shops and I don't think I've ever seen one online. Write it down as a bad experience and buy the access on PSN.


I'm pretty sure there has been some cases about this, and it's something to do with them being 'bonus features', aka the multiplayer/dlc codes are a bonus to the game and therefore them not being supplied doesn't make it unfit for purpose. Even if you bought it new and there were no codes, CEX would tell you to go to the publisher and the publisher would or could send you a code.

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Then under the sale of goods act, its not fit for purpose, go back and raise some hell, maybe ring trading standards first...its probably one of those many 'grey areas' good luck


I have been in today and argued with them that they have sold me a game that basically does not work but they won't take me seriously because I look about 14 (I'm 17)


Really frustrated.


---------- Post added 09-01-2013 at 14:07 ----------


No game company will warn you. CEX have no need to refund. If you want the code, chances are you can buy it off PSN and XBLA and chances are you might as well have got a new one. It's just the same if you bought a 2nd hand limited edition game with codes, you surely wouldn't expect them to come with it? Not many people will buy a new game and not use the codes. I've never seen a sticker on any games in any of the game retail shops and I don't think I've ever seen one online. Write it down as a bad experience and buy the access on PSN.


I'm pretty sure there has been some cases about this, and it's something to do with them being 'bonus features', aka the multiplayer/dlc codes are a bonus to the game and therefore them not being supplied doesn't make it unfit for purpose.



Apparently it costs £35 for a code


I didn't know about these codes as they are a new feature, FIFA 12 did not have these codes.

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Basically I bought FIFA 13

To get online you have to enter a code called an online pass to be able to play online with the game, because it is second hand the code has already been used and I can't access online play because of this, when I bought the game I had no warning about the code already being used.


and it also states in store that the games are sold with no dlc, which means no online codes for online play or extra content, if the codes have been used its just tough luck, i was lucky when the first black ops came out as the codes hadnt been used, missus bought me black ops 2 last week and codes had been used....


just the luck of the draw unfortunately but they do say no dlc on the stickers etc

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Apparently it costs £35 for a code


I didn't know about these codes as they are a new feature, FIFA 12 did not have these codes.


Google is saying £6.49, but not sure how old the post is, "It's £6.49 but you have to put £10 onto your wallet on your PSN account to but it.. So you'll pay £6.49 and get £3.51 remaining to spend on packs and stuff"


And I have no idea about Fifa, but I know a few other games that have been doing this with online passes, like Mass Effect 3 iirc

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