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Advice please - how to stop debt letters for previous house owner

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I seem to remember reading something somewhere about contacting (I think) companies like Experian, to lodge documentation to legally disassociate yourself from any debts incurred by the previous resident.





debts no longer show on credit reports due to having the same address so your safe in that respect

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Whatever you do, do it in writing and keep a copy. Clearly none of the debt is yours, so as long as you can prove that you have told the Debt Collection Agencies this, you will always be on a sound footing.


If I were you, I would write a very polite, but firm letter to each agency explaining the situation calmly and clearly. In the letter, I would put a request that they update their records and tell them that you will take legal action if they attempt to enter your home to remove your belongings.


That will end most of it.


If anyone turns up, send them away. If they get in and take your things, produce your evidence and sue their backsides off.


Do you have a forwarding address for the previous occupant? If so, give it to the agencies. If not, direct them to the agent that sold the house.


I had all of this when I bought my current house. Phone calls, tax men and bailiffs calling, letters. In the end, they weren't interested in me, just the guy who had done the runner. I still have my telly. :)

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