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Our bathroom floor wants replacing due to damp its all crumbling and big holes in i reported it to council 3 months ago had a few visits from different people and still no work ive complained 3 times and phoned every day to see where we at and had nothing so we are at our wits end where do we turn now please help

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They're absolutely terrible, I feel sorry for the minority of decent workmen they have (because they do exist, seriously!) Couple of quick stories...


We have a leak from the piping for the sink in the bathroom, clearly a leak, couldn't be any better, Kier's verdict - Condensation from the toilet, it will be fine. Result - Mould/damp and a lot of Woodlice from the rotting wood.


We have a huge problem with damp/mould in this house. Kiers verdict - Open a window (Seriously, that's what the woman who came to inspect the house said) Result - Some ruined clothing, an old laptop I don't really use covered in mould, also some walls, bad smell in bedrooms.


Shower head went dodgy. Kiers verdict - needs a new shower head. Seems perfectly acceptable, replacement is an old one, that is faulty.


They are absolutely pathetic, we needed a complete set of door handles for the house, they've never been fine. The horrible ape of a man that came to fit them, with what I assume was a young apprentice did f**k all work, and spent his time screaming at the apprentice for not doing them correctly.


Thankfully we're moving out of this awful excuse for eligible living in to what seems a better house. It's going to take the Council a bloody long time, and one hell of a salesmen to get this place re-populated again.

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Email your MP and contact the star action desk?

As this is a Local Authority issue, an MP can't help and would simply hand it straight to one of the local councillors, who are the people to deal with this. If you don't know who they are, check here :


http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/your-city-council.html and click on "councillors" then type in the name of your ward. You can email councillors directly and they will take this up for you.

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Our bathroom floor wants replacing due to damp its all crumbling and big holes in i reported it to council 3 months ago had a few visits from different people and still no work ive complained 3 times and phoned every day to see where we at and had nothing so we are at our wits end where do we turn now please help


If that's the level of service i'd use a different supplier. If you post the job on the business and employment section on here you'll get some competitive quotes.

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